Chicago Sun-Times

Edwards can’t commit to one burger


MESA, Ariz. — Hard- throwing reliever Carl Edwards Jr. has perhaps the most natural endorsemen­t deal in the majors.

There’s just one problem when it comes to the Carl’s Jr. fast- food chain: Edwards isn’t sure he’s ready to commit to just one kind of hamburger at this point in his life.

“Nah,” he said. “I mean, I like Carl’s Jr., though. But I can’t put down all the other burgers.”

After the Sun- Times’ Steve Greenberg wrote a story this week about Edwards and his lifelong efforts to fill out his railthin frame with loads of fast food — including his recent affinity for Carl’s Jr. burgers — the company reached out to the pitcher in a pair of tweets.

“Hey Carl, it’s Carl. We think your tastes are plenty refined,” said one of the tweets, with a screen grab of an excerpt from Greenberg’s story.

“I just laughed. It was funny,” said Edwards, who added he might be willing to talk about an endorsemen­t deal if it doesn’t involve burger- brand exclusivit­y. “I love burgers.”

Cubs’ other Baez

Jeffrey Baez, a speedy outfielder who played at advancedCl­ass A Myrtle Beach last season, seemed to enjoy the chance to face starter Jon Lester in an intrasquad game Thursday on a minor- league field. He also apparently enjoys fastballs, which Lester threw almost exclusivel­y.

Baez, who hit .241 with eight homers last year, homered on a full- count pitch in the first, doubled to center to drive home a run in the third and drove another double just inside the left- field line in the fifth for another RBI.

“He’s good, isn’t he?” Lester said afterward. “I got our A- ball team locked in.”

Mood swing

On Tuesday, Cubs setup man Hector Rondon said he was excited about joining his Venezuelan countrymen for the second round of the World Baseball Classic.

Two elevated fastballs later, the excitement dimmed after he gave up eighth- inning home runs to Adam Jones and Eric Hosmer that sank Team Venezuela against the United States on Wednesday in San Diego.

“Physically, he looks fine. It was a matter of execution,” manager Joe Maddon said.

“Listen, I’m all about him going. If anything, when he goes and pitches in a game like that, he just jumped right into it, where those guys have been doing it for a little bit. He had to amp it up rather quickly. I’m just curious to see his next time out.”

Error ball

Maddon said he’s not concerned about 19 errors in 20 games, including three by Kris Bryant and two each by Addison Russell and Kyle Schwarber.

“I’m honestly not worried,” he said. “The work’s great. We’ve done a lot of great things [ in the field], too. Just the outfields are hard [ with the desert sun], and the infields are fast. It’s a hard place to really evaluate.”

The Cubs were the top fielding team in the majors last season and might have upgraded behind the plate ( Willson Contreras) and in center field ( Albert Almora Jr. and Jon Jay).

 ??  ?? Carl Edwards Jr. earned some attention because of his love of fast food. | GETTY IMAGES
Carl Edwards Jr. earned some attention because of his love of fast food. | GETTY IMAGES

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