Chicago Sun-Times

Supreme Court showdown a long time coming for Senate

Democrats start as the instigator­s, then GOP became annihilato­rs

- Richard Wolf @ richardjwo­lf USA TODAY

History was made Thursday in the United States Senate: Democrats mounted a partisan filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Republican­s blew up the Senate’s rules to clear the way for his confirmati­on.

But that history came with a history of its own, replete with temporary victories for each party and plenty of blame to go around. It’s a brawl that’s been decades in the making. And it’s put the court where it least wants to be — squarely in the middle of American politics.

Before Gorsuch, there was Merrick Garland. Before Garland, there was Miguel Estrada. Before Estrada, John Roberts and Elena Kagan. Before Kagan, Robert Bork. Before Bork, Clement Haynsworth. Before Haynsworth, Abe Fortas.

All were blocked, at least initially, from the courts to which they aspired. Some, like Bork and Haynsworth, were Supreme Court nominees defeated on the Senate floor. Others, like Roberts and Kagan, eventually made their way to the high court.

Republican­s say Democrats started it. “They seem to be hurtling toward the abyss this time and trying to take the Senate with them,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said during this week’s debate. “The future of the Senate will hang on their choice.”

Democrats say Republican­s precipitat­ed this week’s final act by never giving Garland a hearing last year.

“He leaves out an important chapter, the last chapter, the one that brought us to this moment in the United States Senate,” Sen. Richard Durbin, D- Ill., responded.


The judicial juggernaut that ensnared two of the nation’s most esteemed federal judges over the past 14 months — men considered by senators from both parties to be supremely qualified for the Supreme Court — has a rich history:

1999: President Bill Clinton was blocked by Republican­s from filling 16 federal appeals court vacancies during his presidency, including the seat on the D. C. Circuit intended for Kagan.

2001: President George W. Bush sought to fill a number of federal court vacancies soon after his election — one of which, on the D. C. Circuit, would have gone to Roberts — but was blocked by Democrats.

2003: Bush’s battles with Democrats over judicial nomination­s reached a head two years later, when they filibuster­ed four appeals court nominees — most notably Estrada, who eventually withdrew his name.

2006: Bush’s choice of Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court seat vacated by the moderate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor met a filibuster by Democrats, but they managed only 25 of the 41 votes needed to succeed.

2013: President Barack Obama met a wall of resistance from Senate Republican­s for many of his lower court nominees, a battle that culminated at the start of his second term over three vacant seats on the D. C. Circuit. To get Patricia Millett, Cornelia Pillard and Robert Wilkins confirmed, Senate Democrats invoked the first iteration of the “nuclear option” by changing Senate rules for executive branch and lower court nominees.

2016: Obama’s choice of Garland to succeed Justice Antonin Scalia was intended as an olive branch to Republican­s, since Garland was older ( 63) and more moderate than other potential nominees.


Martin Gold, former counsel to two Senate Republican majority leaders and an expert on Senate procedure, says the fight over judges has been “careening” toward this week’s culminatio­n since Bork was defeated 30 years ago. He notes Democrats were the first to defeat judicial nominees by filibuster in 2003.

Congressio­nal scholar Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute agrees both parties have played roles in escalating the battle, “but the balance is worse on the Republican side.”

Sarah Binder of the Brookings Institutio­n, a political science professor at George Washington University and author of a book on the federal judiciary, sees only a “parliament­ary arms race where one party does something, the other party tries to push back.”

And Sheldon Goldman, a political science professor at the University of Massachuse­tts at Amherst who’s written on judicial nomination­s, blames Democrats as the instigator­s and Republican­s as the annihilato­rs.

During the Reagan years and again under George W. Bush, Democrats blocked lower court judges who they considered too conservati­ve.

Republican­s, Goldman says, responded even more forcefully.

“The Republican­s are master fighters at this,” Goldman says. “They do payback like we’ve never seen before.”

“They seem to be hurtling toward the abyss this time and trying to take the Senate with them.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, referring to Democrats

 ?? USA TODAY ?? Lawmakers are engaged in battle over Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.
USA TODAY Lawmakers are engaged in battle over Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.
 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE, AP ?? Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee, was denied a hearing by Senate Republican­s last year.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE, AP Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee, was denied a hearing by Senate Republican­s last year.

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