Chicago Sun-Times

Fearless Warren ready for ‘ Fight’


CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Count Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren as a friend of the Fearless Girl.

Warren, who has stood up to angry bulls on Wall Street over banking regulation­s and taxpayer bailouts, mocks complaints by the sculptor of the Charging Bull in lower Manhattan that the addition of a sculpture of a defiant girl, hands on her hips and standing in his path, should be removed.

“O- o- h, o- o- h, o- o- h, that is so- o- o sad,” Warren says in a mocking voice, then adds: “I think the Fearless Girl is terrific. I hope she stands there until the bull falls over.”

Warren casts herself as a fearless champion of progressiv­e causes against the charging bull that is President Trump. In This Fight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class, published Tuesday by Metropolit­an Books, she argues the federal government needs to do much more to reverse decades of decline among working families, from raising the minimum wage to expanding aid to education.

She initially assumed the book would be a friendly spur to the left for a president named Hillary Clinton, viewed by some liberals as an uncertain ally on such issues as trade. Then Donald Trump won. “Look, I started this book probably 15 years ago, because it’s the big story about building a middle class and then tearing it down, and why it happened, and how it happened,” Warren said in an interview with Capital Download, USA TODAY’s video newsmaker series. “And, sure, for much of the time that I was working on it, I thought it would be Hillary Clinton in the White House. I thought it would be important that she be able to see that arc and that, you know, some good, strong opportunit­ies available for the things she would be able to do, and the team she would put together would be able to do.”

Now Trump’s victory has given Warren’s message a more apocalypti­c edge. Her plan to bolster the case for progressiv­e policies in a Democratic administra­tion has been turned into a rallying cry against the economic and social proposals of a Republican one. “The direction that Donald Trump and his team want to drive this country is a direction that I don’t think America’s middle class can survive,” she warns.

It also has opened a world of political possibilit­y for the senior senator from Massachuse­tts, heir to the seat long held by Democratic icon Ted Kennedy. Supporters urged her to seek the party’s presidenti­al nod in 2016, and the suggestion that she just might fueled speculatio­n and irked Clinton’s team.

In her new book, she says she resisted “a lot of pressure” to back Clinton. Her husband, Harvard law professor Bruce Mann, cautioned her that the race would be “pretty terrible” although he also assured her it would be OK with him if she decided to run. “My heart wasn’t in it,” she writes.

In an interview, Warren says she never felt the time was right. She had been a law professor and bankruptcy expert who became a leading advocate of consumer protection­s, especially iafter the financial meltdown in 2008. The campaign that ousted Republican Scott Brown in 2012 had been her first bid for public office.

“So, you know, people started asking me about this right after I got elected, and my first thought was, really? Are you kidding me? I kind of think you need more experience before you run for president of the United States,” she says. “But I was also really learning the job of the Senate, and figuring out what I could do, what the tools were and how you could expand them and use them.”

In the end, it wasn’t a close call, she says. “Not so much.”


Warren is running for re- election to the Senate next year, a race now rated by the non- partisan Cook Political Report as so solidly Democratic that the contest isn’t expected to be competitiv­e. Even so, her campaign already has reported raising more than $ 9.2 million.

Her focus is on that campaign, she says. Will she promise Bay State voters that she’ll serve all six years of a second term? “That’s certainly my plan.”

Warren declines to go any further the second time around: “It ismy plan.”

At 67, Warren has a direct manner and a no- nonsense mien. She parries a question about whether she has any regrets about not running in 2016.

“Oh, I regret that Donald Trump is president of the United States, full stop, right there,” she says. “I wish that he weren’t. But now he is, and we’ve just got to go forward.”

She declines to speculate on whether she could have won the Democratic nomination last year if she had run. Or if she could have defeated Trump in November if she had been nominated. Or if Sanders, an ideologica­l ally, would have been amore formidable opponent in the general election than Clinton proved to be.

“I don’t know; I don’t know, and it’s again, we are where we are,” she says. “Donald Trump has only been here, not even 100 days yet — God, it’s like dog years or something, it feels like somuch has gone on. We’ve got to get focused on what we’re going to do in the next week, in the nextmonth.”

She says Clinton lost because middleclas­s and working- class voters didn’t believe that she was the candidate most committed to fighting for their families. “Where it mattered in the vote tally, where America had been hit extra hard by lost jobs and declining opportunit­ies, our side hadn’t closed the deal,” Warren writes. “Shame on us.” Who’s “us”? “All of us. The Democrats. We didn’t make the case,” she says. Including Clinton? “Sure. I mean, it’s all of us. We have to bear responsibi­lity for that. ... We didn’t get out there and fight hard enough.”

She has been heartened by the Women’s March in Washington, Boston and elsewhere the day after Trump’s inaugurati­on, and by the enthusiasm of Democratic voters in special House elections last week in Kansas and Tuesday in Georgia. But she says the risk for Democrats is not staying focused.


For Warren, “the things that matter” would include fighting White House efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act, even if Republican­s are unable to pass legislatio­n to repeal and replace President Obama’s signature health care initiative. Trump has suggested he might halt government subsidies to insurance companies that help control costs for low- income consumers.

And for all her difference­s with Trump, Warren challenges him to join her in a proposal both have endorsed: Restoring a version of the Glass- Steagall Act, which separated retail banking from investment banking and trading. The measure, passed during the New Deal and repealed in 1999, is designed to prevent banks from taking risks with federally insured deposits.

“Donald Trump said during the campaign that he would break up the big banks, that he believed in Glass- Steagall. He put it into the Republican platform,” Warren says in a voice that can only be described as taunting. “Come on, Donald Trump! Let’s do it!”

 ?? METROPOLIT­AN BOOKS ?? Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s latest book is out Tuesday.
METROPOLIT­AN BOOKS Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s latest book is out Tuesday.
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