Chicago Sun-Times



ARIES ( March 21- April 19):

Good start to your week! Look around you with a practical eye to see how the structures in your life are working for you— or not. Consider everything: your habits, your home scene, your work. What works? What needs to change?

TAURUS ( April 20- May 20):

This is an excellent day to do soul- searching about what you want for yourself. You won’t kid yourself because you’re realistic. Ask yourself what you can do so that your life will flow more smoothly. What lies on the horizon?

GEMINI ( May 21- June 20):

Someone older or more experience­d might have excellent advice for you today. Possibly, you are the sage offering excellent advice to others? This is the perfect day to seriously ponder your long- range goals.

CANCER ( June 21- July 22):

Discussion­s with bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police will be productive today because people are in a serious, practical frame of mind. They want results. Take a moment to think about your life direction in general. Are you happy about where you are headed? Do you even know where you are going?

LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22):

What kind of further study, training or travel can enrich your life and improve your chances to excel in your job? This is a good day to think about this. It’s also a good day to make long- range plans about publishing, the media, medicine or travel in the future. Discussion­s about philosophy or religion will be meaningful.

VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22):

Start this week by wrapping up loose details with taxes, debt, shared property, insurance or inheritanc­es. Not only are you keen for practical results, you won’t overlook details because your powers of concentrat­ion are marvelous.

LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22):

A discussion with a partner or close friend will be serious but productive today. You both want to improve your communicat­ion styles. In particular, you might want to address practical matters like how to share expenses and the division of labor. “How come I always take out the garbage?”

SCORPIO ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21):

This is a great way to start your week because you are productive, focused and ready to work hard. Today you want practical results, which is why you are looking at everything around you to see if they can be better organized. Ideas?

SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21):

Today parents can think how to better organize their approach to raising their kids. You will also focus on a myriad of details for a future vacation or a social or sports event. If you work in the hospitalit­y industry or show business, you will likewise be productive!

CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19):

Look around your home today and see what needs to be fixed. Focus on areas that create waste. Get rid of what you don’t need. How can you run things in the most practical way possible so that they benefit everyone?

AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18):

Look at your daily habits to see how you can make your life run more smoothly. You’re in a practical frame of mind today, which is why you want to set goals and make future plans. You won’t overlook a thing because you are detail- oriented. Discussion­s with siblings will be serious.

PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20):

This is a good day to give yourself a report card about how you handle your money and take care of what you own. How well you do this can make your life easier or more difficult. It’s that simple. Are you making the best use of what you have?

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