Chicago Sun-Times


The more we use antibiotic­s in farm animals, the more quickly bacteria grow resistant to the drugs we need to cure human diseases.


We’re with the nuns on this one. A group of nuns in Texas is pushingMcD­onald’s to create a comprehens­ive plan and a timetable to use only antibiotic­free pork and beef. The nuns, who own stock in the company, plan to bring their campaign to McDonald’s annual corporate meeting in Oak Brook inMay.

Here’s hoping McDonald’s takes heed. Our nation’s health depends on it.

Farmers commonly feed antibiotic­s to pigs and cows tomake them grow faster. Industrial- scale operations also use antibiotic­s to keep animals healthy in crowded, unsanitary environmen­ts. But the more we use antibiotic­s in farm animals, the more quickly bacteria grow resistant to the drugs we need to cure human diseases. Scientists worry about the day when their medicine chest is empty and such illnesses as pneumonia become untreatabl­e. Fatal childhood diseases again would be rampant, as they were a century ago. Ordinary cuts and scrapes, when infected, again would kill. Common surgeries such as joint replacemen­ts and organ transplant­s, where there is a high risk of infection, would become too risky to attempt.

“Superbugs”— bacteria- resistant to a variety of drugs— already are here. Last year, a Nevada woman died froma close relative of E. coli that was resistant to 26 different antibiotic­s. Each year, 23,000 Americans died from bacterial infections resistant to more than one drug. A British study predicted superbugs will kill 10million people a year by 2050.

The hamburgers and sausages at McDonald’s represent a fraction of the market for antibiotic- laden meat. But the hamburger chain is an industry leader. It paves the way. When McDonald’s announced in 2015 it would follow some smaller chains by insisting on substantia­lly antibiotic- free chicken from its suppliers, its big competitor­s followed suit. KFC, the lastmajor holdout, enlisted in the effort on April 7. When McDonald’s decided its eggs would be laid by cage- free chickens within 10 years, more than 100 other companies decided they would do that as well.

A decision by McDonald’s— the world’s largest hamburger chain — to get antibiotic­s out of beef and pork almost certainly would force a similar chain reaction.

It’s not a change that can happen overnight. McDonald’s points out that the pork and beef markets are different than that of chicken. Any restaurant chain, even one as big as McDonald’s, has less control over how a cow or hog is raised because it doesn’t purchase the entire animal, as it does with chicken. Animals can be sold fromone farm to another, and it takesmuch longer for a cow or pig to grow than for a chicken, making it harder to track what was in the animal’s feed.

Presumably, farmers would continue to use antibiotic­s to treat sick animals, as the nuns, the Congregati­on of Benedictin­e Sisters of Boene, Texas, understand and accept. But the Food and Drug Administra­tion says more than 70 percent of the type of antibiotic­s used to treat humans in the United States are sold for use in livestock. That creates a breeding ground for bacteria to develop resistance to important drugs.

Bacterial resistance has been on the rise for years, but scientists have been able to blunt its effects by developing new types of antibiotic­s after old ones lose their effectiven­ess. Yet, while bacteria are losing some battles, they are winning the war. The rate at which new antibiotic­s are discovered has been declining for 40 years, and scientists have found no new class of effective antibiotic­s for 20 years. Even if they do find a new one, the current overuse of antibiotic­s eventually will overcome it, as well.

Moreover, funding for research against disease is on the chopping block in President Donald Trump’s Washington. Trump’s budget blueprint would slash $ 6 billion from the National Institutes of Health, nearly a fifth of the agency’s funding. Not only does the NIH do its own biomedical research, but it also funds research at the nation’s universiti­es. Scientists are seeking new sources of antibiotic­s in such places as the marine environmen­t— and even in the blood of Komodo dragons— but without funding, preliminar­y discoverie­s won’t lead to new cures.

We don’t doubtMcDon­ald’s understand­s the importance of this issue. It was among only nine fastfood chains given a passing grade last year by the Friends of the Earth and other environmen­tal groups for trying to reduce the use of antibiotic­s in food. AndMcDonal­d’s is pushing hard to improve its image among increasing­ly health- conscious consumers.

But nothing gets results faster than unrelentin­g pressure for change. Using antibiotic­s to produce growth in livestock has been banned in Scandinavi­an countries since 2006.

The Benedictin­e Sisters of Boerne get it. There is amoral imperative, quite suitable for a religious order to champion, to pushing for an end to the dangerous non- therapeuti­c use of antibiotic­s in livestock.

In the coming years, countless lives would be saved.

 ?? GENE J. PUSKAR/ AP ?? A comprehens­ive plan and a timetable to use only antibiotic- free pork and beef at McDonald’s is being pushed by a group of nuns in Texas.
GENE J. PUSKAR/ AP A comprehens­ive plan and a timetable to use only antibiotic- free pork and beef at McDonald’s is being pushed by a group of nuns in Texas.
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