Chicago Sun-Times

Ideas, not bankroll, will determine Dem gov nominee


For governor, I’m backing the guy whose personal check I can match.

Let’s see, Gov. Bruce Rauner is the runaway leader in this horse race, having put $ 50 million of his billionair­e wealth into his upcoming campaign. Democrat Jay Pritzker places with a cool $ 7 million. Chris Kennedy barely shows up to grab show with a paltry $ 250,000 in Kennedy cash. Still out of sight in last place is state Sen. Dan Biss, who just contribute­d $ 25 to his sensible people’s campaign, which rests on the wise fiscal solution to Illinois’ woes of a progressiv­e income tax. Ironically, that contributi­on matches what I gave Biss on Day 1 of his campaign, as soon as he saddled up his financiall­y austere gubernator­ial thoroughbr­ed.

Forget the deluge of money. I’m betting on the people to pick the winner in this high- stakes race to save Illinois. Walt Zlotow, Glen Ellyn GOP can’t blame Obama anymore

After just three months in office, President Donald Trump has demonstrat­ed that he is erratic, egotistica­l, has a problem with the truth and ignores promises made to voters. However, his election may provide one benefit: Congressio­nal Republican­s will no longer be able to blame President Barack Obama and Democrats for their failure to enact meaningful legislatio­n.

For years, Republican­s attempted to justify their abysmal legislativ­e record with the excuse that Obama would veto anything they did. So they did very little and blamed Obama. Victor Darst, Huntley Trump fans bamboozled It is now obvious to all but the most rabid Donald Trump supporters that all those campaign promises were nothing more than the bloviation­s of a political apprentice looking to get elected ( with Russian assistance). Trump’s promises were lies to get votes from ill- informed voters.

Trump has failed on Obamacare, immigratio­n, China currency manipulati­on, creating new jobs and resetting relations with his Russian pals. Nothing has changed in Syria after one useless missile strike. Trump has reversed his stand that NATO is “obsolete.” If that “wall” is ever built, Americans will pay for it. And if tax reform ever happens, it will be a giveaway to Trump’s rich pals.

So, as the House, Senate and FBI continue investigat­ions into Trump’s ties with Russia, perhaps leading to impeachabl­e offenses, I hope Trump’s supporters regret how they were totally bamboozled. Tom Minnerick, Elgin SEND LETTERS to letters@ suntimes. com. Please include your neighborho­od or hometown and a phone number for verificati­on.

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