Chicago Sun-Times



“My cousin the Queen of Hearts is a hopeless case,” the Queen of Diamonds told Alice as the players at the Mad Hatter’s game took a tea break. “She can’t understand that losing a trick can be better than winning one.”

“Yes, your majesty,” Alice sighed.

“Deal the cards and I’ll show you.”

So Alice became declarer at today’s four hearts. She took the ace of clubs and, in dummy for the only time, thought of trying a diamond finesse with the queen.

But Alice knew that the Queen of Diamonds was watching intently. So Alice ruffed dummy’s last club with the queen of trumps ( as the Queen of Hearts beamed approval), drew trumps and led the ace and then a low diamond.

The Hatter, sitting East, won with the ten, but when he led a spade, Alice played low. The Dormouse, West, took the king but was end- played: He had to give declarer a 10th trick one way or another. Alice’s line of play guaranteed the contract.

“See what I mean?” the Queen of Diamonds asked gently. DAILY QUESTION You hold: opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: A response of one spade might be best: Partner might have spade support. But if he bid two diamonds next, you would be uneasy. A case exists for a response of 1NT. Then if partner bids two diamonds, you can bid three clubs to show a weak hand. ! "# # # # $ % & ' that 1NT would surely be your best action. South dealer N- S vulnerable

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