Chicago Sun-Times

Will Trump’s incompeten­ce save us?

- GENE LYONS Email: eugenelyon­s2@ yahoo. com

Even as an oligarch, Donald Trump turns out to be breathtaki­ngly incompeten­t. Is there any reason to suppose he’s even loyal to the United States? Does he even understand the concept? Trump is loyal to Trump, and to his absurdly swollen ego. Nothing and nobody else.

How long before the president appears on a White House balcony dressed up like a Third World generaliss­imo, wearing mirrored sunglasses and gold- fringed epaulets the size of football shoulder pads?

Hosting Russian diplomats in the White House just one day after boasting on national TV that he’d fired FBI Director James Comey to shut down the “fake news” investigat­ion of his presidenti­al campaign’s dalliance with Vladimir Putin’s spies can be understood only as an oligarch’s gesture of contempt.

Contempt for the truth, of course, which almost goes without saying. As if the initial cover story — that Comey got dumped for mistreatin­g poor Hillary Clinton — weren’t insulting enough on its face.

But also contempt for the American news media, whom Trump barred from the meeting in favor of photograph­ers from TASS, the Russian state news agency. As should have been predictabl­e, that backfired badly. Photos of the president yukking it up in the Oval Office with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak turned up in Moscow news media. If you didn’t know better, you’d think Trump was bragging about his sexual exploits.

Also contempt for the antiTrump majority. Here’s how that great American Rush Limbaugh saw it: “So he fires Comey yesterday. Who’s he meet with today? He’s meeting with the Soviet, the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov! I mean, what an epic troll this is.”

( Republican­s of the Limbaugh persuasion long ago chose party over country. In their minds, all competing values are subordinat­e to making Nancy Pelosi unhappy.)

But no, Trump wasn’t talking dirty to the Russians. We should be so lucky. Instead, he appears to have been expressing his contempt for the U. S. intelligen­ce services, by recklessly boasting about top- secret informatio­n regarding an ISIS terror plot that had been shared with the CIA by an ally. That ally ( reportedly Israel) will now be forced to reconsider whether or not the U. S. government can be trusted to keep a secret.

Certainly not as long as Trump’s in office.

See, people get murdered when spy networks get blown. Painstakin­gly cultivated sources flee for their lives. Hasn’t Trump even read a John LeCarre novel? Almost certainly not. Even a movie like “The Bourne Identity” might give the president a clue, if he were capable of learning anything not directly related to his ego or his pocketbook.

Yet again, the White House sent out respected advisers— Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster— to issue carefully worded non- denial denials. Trump undermined them in early morning tweets boasting that he had the unquestion­ed power to do what they’d just finished claiming that he hadn’t done.

The psychologi­cal subtext is unvarying: Big me, little you. Trusting this bombastic faker with sensitive national security intelligen­ce is like trusting a basset hound with a ham sandwich.

See, a real dictator like Vladimir Putin can pull off these contemptuo­us contemp-gestures. Besides being infinitely smarter and more selfcontro­lled than his American apprentice, Putin’s also utterly ruthless and doesn’t care who knows it. Trump is merely egomaniaca­l and amoral.

“If [ Putin] says great things about me,” Trump said during the 2016 campaign, “I’m going to say great things about him. I’ve already said, he is really very much of a leader. I mean, you can say, ‘ Oh, isn’t that a terrible thing’— the man has very strong control over a country.”

Russian dissidents fall off balconies or succumb to poison. Putin skates in exhibition hockey matches, where he scores seven goals.

There’s no sign Trump has the chutzpah for that kind of thing. Nor is the United States, by any stretch of the imaginatio­n, Russia — where autocratic government­s, secret police and prison camps have been the rule for centuries.

Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne wonders whether Trump is more thuggish or clownish. He concludes that “Trump can be fairly regarded as both incompeten­t and authoritar­ian. We may be saved by the fact that the feckless Trump is often the authoritar­ian Trump’s worst enemy. If we’re lucky, Trump’s astonishin­g indiscipli­ne will be his undoing.”

But only if the Republican leadership begins to say publicly what some confide privately: that Trump is congenital­ly unfit for power and growing more so daily. Even formerly sympatheti­c figures like MSNBC’s Joe Scarboroug­h are beginning to say the word “Alzheimer’s” aloud.

Trump’s verbal incoherenc­e, angry outbursts and incipient paranoia are consistent with the disease that killed his father.

A timely diagnosis would give Republican­s an escape hatch. But he can’t be forced to see a doctor.

Either way, things can’t go on like this much longer.

 ?? | AP ?? President Trump gives the commenceme­nt address at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., Wednesday.
| AP President Trump gives the commenceme­nt address at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., Wednesday.
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