Chicago Sun-Times

Times Square suspect wanted to ‘ kill them’

NYC mayor says no signs of terrorism in rampage

- Doug Stanglin

A 26- year- old man arraigned on seconddegr­ee murder charges for allegedly steering his car onto a busy Times Square sidewalk Thursday, killing a Michigan tourist and injuring 22 people, said at the scene that he wanted to “kill them,” according to prosecutor­s.

Richard Rojas appeared subdued during a brief court appearance Friday. He did not enter a plea and is due back in court next week.

According to a criminal complaint presented by prosecutor­s, Rojas displayed glassy eyes and slurred speech at the scene, telling an officer, “I smoked marijuana. I laced the marijuana with PCP.” The complaint said Rojas at one point ran toward an officer, shouting, “I wanted to kill them.”

Rojas, from the Bronx, was also charged with 20 counts of attempted murder and aggravated vehicular homicide.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said there was “no indication that this was an act of terrorism,” but officials said it was unclear what motivated Rojas. Officials said Rojas served in the Navy but was discharged following disciplina­ry problems. He was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicate­d in 2008 and 2015, losing his license for 90 days, police Commission­er James O’Neill said.

Police said the rampage unfolded rapidly as Rojas allegedly drove at high speed for three blocks down Seventh Avenue, in the heart of Times Square, made a U- turn at 42nd Street and vaulted the curb, hitting the first victim. Before plowing into steel security barriers and coming to a stop, the car struck nearly two dozen people. Video shows the Honda Accord knocking down pedestrian­s and throwing bodies into the air. Alyssa Elsman, an 18- year- old high school student from Portage, Mich., was killed; her 13- year- old sister was injured.

After hitting the barricade, Rojas jumped out and began running, yelling and jumping before he was wrestled to the ground. “He began screaming, no particular words but just utter screaming,” said Ken Bradix, a security supervisor at a nearby Planet Hollywood restaurant who tackled Rojas.

Rojas initially tested negative for alcohol, but more tests are pending.

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