Chicago Sun-Times

Rouhani’s re- election signals more outreach

Iranian president easily bests rivals to win another 4 years

- Doug Stanglin @ dstanglin

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, whose more moderate policies included greater internal freedoms and a landmark 2015 nuclear deal with the U. S. that brought about some sanctions relief, won a resounding victory for a second four- year term, Iranian State TV said Saturday.

Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli told a news conference that the 68- year- old cleric won 57% of the vote against three other contenders to avoid a runoff.

Voting hours were extended several times because of the high turnout — 41.2 million voters, or 73% of the electorate.

As Rouhani’s victory looked increasing­ly likely late Friday, some female drivers held out the V for victory sign and flashed car lights on highways in Tehran’s affluent north.

In 2013, Rouhani won his first term with nearly 51% of the vote amid a turnout of 73%.

Iran’s president is the second- most- powerful figure in the country’s political system. He is subordinat­e to the supreme leader, who is chosen by a clerical panel and has the ultimate say over all matters of state.

Still, the president oversees a vast state bureaucrac­y employing more than 2 million people, is charged with naming Cabinet members and other officials to key posts, and plays a significan­t role in shaping domestic and foreign policy.

Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a statement Saturday commending the Iranian people for their “massive and epic” turnout in the elections.

“The winner of yesterday’s elections, is you, the Iranian people, and the Islamic establishm­ent, which has managed to win the increasing trust of this big nation despite the enemies’ plot and effort,” he said, according to PressTV.

Friday’s vote was largely a referendum on Rouhani’s more moderate political policies, which opened the way for the 2015 nuclear deal with President Obama and key Western countries, as well as Russia and China.

President Trump campaigned to scrap the agreement but so far has maintained it and followed through on sanctions relief. Trump’s first stop of his initial foreign trip, which began Friday, was to Saudi Arabia, Iran’s archenemy in the region.

Rouhani has come to embody more liberal and reform- minded Iranians’ hopes for greater freedoms and openness in the conservati­ve Islamic Republic and better relations with the outside world.

Norway’s foreign minister, Borge Brende, welcomed Rouhani’s victory, saying he echoes the viewpoint of Germany’s Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who said Rouhani’s re- election sends a message that Iran could be serious about institutin­g reforms.

All candidates for elected office must be vetted, a process that excludes anyone calling for radical change, along with most reformists. No woman has ever been approved to run for president.

 ?? VAHID SALEMI, AP ?? Iran President Hassan Rouhani
VAHID SALEMI, AP Iran President Hassan Rouhani

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