Chicago Sun-Times

Panel wants Comey to tell his version

Main question: Did Trump pressure him?

- Heidi M. Przybyla USA TODAY

“It would be unthinkabl­e,” said Sen. Mark Warner, if President Trump pressured former FBI director James Comey to back off an investigat­ion of his former national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn.

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee made the comments in an interview with CBS’ Face

the Nation in advance of Comey’s highly anticipate­d Thursday testimony before the committee.

Last month, The New York Times reported that Comey wrote a February memo alleging Trump asked him to shut down the FBI investigat­ion into Flynn’s ties to Russia. The paper also reported that Trump asked Comey to pledge loyalty to the president, something Comey refused to do.

Trump later fired Comey, prompting the appointmen­t of Robert Mueller, Comey’s predecesso­r as FBI director, as a special counsel to investigat­e the extent of Russia’s interferen­ce in the U. S. election, whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign and whether Trump attempted to obstruct the investigat­ion.

“I want him ( Comey) to reinforce, one, the fact that the Russians directly intervened in our elections, which everybody accepts except for the president and maybe Vladimir Putin,” said Warner. Another main goal is for Comey to clarify exactly what was said in his conversati­ons with Trump, said Warner. “Jim Comey deserves to have his, in effect, day in court since the president has disparaged him so much,” he said.

Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican on the Intelligen­ce Committee, said she also wants to understand “the tone, the exact words that were spoken” because the context is “so important.”

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