Chicago Sun-Times

Retail giants enabled trucker exploitati­on

Powerhouse­s such as Target, Costco benefit while drivers plunge into debt

- Brett Murphy

America’s retail giants have spent a decade ignoring signs of labor abuse in their supply chains, sometimes fighting government efforts to crack down even as thousands of truckers were driven into debt and poverty, a USA TODAY Network investigat­ion has found.

Target, Costco, Hewlett- Packard and many others have benefited from California port trucking companies that forced their drivers into debt, made them work up to 20 hours a day and sometimes paid them pennies an hour.

Retailers and manufactur­ers rarely hire truckers directly. Instead, they rely on a maze of subcontrac­tors to move their goods and have paid little attention to whom their direct vendors hire.

In the 1990s, similar abuses in overseas manufactur­ing operations led to a widespread crackdown by U. S. brands, which now scour through their production operations to weed out child labor abuses, forced overtime and debt- driven schemes that exploit workers.

But companies have made no such effort at the Southern California ports, even after hundreds of truckers told regulators they were treated as modernday indentured servants.

In fact, when lawmakers tried to pass worker protection­s — a few aimed directly at helping port truckers — retailers paid lobbyists up to $ 12.6 million to fight the bills, lobbying disclosure records in California and Washington, D. C., show.

U. S. brands and their lobbying associatio­ns opposed a bill in California that would have criminaliz­ed wage theft in low- wage industries and another that would have made it easier for truckers to recoup stolen wages.

They fought bills that would have converted port truckers to fully protected employees and others that would give state agencies more leeway to punish trucking companies that violate protection standards.

All the while, Los Angeles- area truckers, drivers who touch half of all imports sold in stores across America, were losing a fight of their own on the waterfront.

As the USA TODAY Network reported this month, at least 140 trucking companies around Los Angeles have been accused of improperly billing drivers for their own work equipment by calling them independen­t contractor­s instead of employees. Hundreds of drivers say they were coerced into truck lease contracts they didn’t understand and found themselves $ 100,000 or more in debt to their employers, according to claims made to state regulators and in civil courts.

When drivers got sick or fell behind on payments, trucking companies fired them, seizing their trucks and tens of thousands of dollars they had paid toward buying them.

Faustino Denova, a Mexican immigrant with a sixth- grade education, said he regularly worked 19- hour days but still went broke trying to pay off the truck his bosses promised him. In the worst weeks, he made so little that he owed money on Friday.

“I wasn’t able to cover the expenses,” he testified in 2015 in a California case at the Department of Industrial Relations’ enforcemen­t arm, known as the Labor Commission­er’s Office.

Industry lawyers and executives denied widescale labor abuses and said allegation­s by almost 1,200 truckers have been overstated as part of a Teamsters union organizing campaign.

No law requires companies to police their vendors or the subcontrac­tors those vendors hire. And unlike with overseas manufactur­ing plants, there has been no public pressure to force a cleanup of the shipping industry.

That makes it easy for the companies to look the other way, said David Weil, who led the federal Wage and Hour Division under President Obama.

“Not my problem, not my workforce,” Weil said.

Reporters contacted two dozen retailers whose goods were moved by port trucking companies accused of labor violations.

Seventeen declined to comment or did not respond to multiple interview requests; the rest sent brief statements about their corporate responsibi­lity policies.

“I wanted to let you know we aren’t going to be able to help with this story,” Nike spokesman Greg Rossiter said in an email.

“Regretfull­y we are not able to provide a response at this time,” Costco’s Muriel Cooper wrote.

Only Goodyear said it took immediate action, dropping a trucking company

within weeks of a negative California labor commission­er ruling.


In 2008, California sparked the labor problems at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach by banning older trucks from entering the harbor.

Companies suddenly faced the prospect of replacing 16,000 aging big rigs with newer, cleaner trucks.

To avoid the $ 2.5 billion price tag, the port trucking industry launched a leaseto- own program that pushed the cost onto truckers, most of them independen­t contractor­s who had to cover their own expenses. Trucking companies arranged to finance their fleet, then passed on the cost of each truck to an individual driver.

It didn’t take long for retailers to embrace the extraordin­ary solution and then tout it publicly.

“Innovative and cost- effective,” JCPenney said in a news release in December 2008.

A California retail lobbyist representi­ng Home Depot, Nike and others called it a “resounding” success in congressio­nal testimony in 2010.

One truck financing executive likened the cleanup to “landing on the moon.”


Few brands were more public about their support than Target.

In October 2013, one of the busiest trucking companies working the Los Angeles ports, Total Transporta­tion, threw a party to celebrate the success of its lease- purchase program.

Local politician­s and trucking executives huddled under white tents and ate sandwiches.

Target sent Rick Gabrielson, then a senior manager for import transporta­tion.

Gabrielson went on camera for a marketing video and praised Total Transporta­tion, which moved containers for Target as well as for J. Crew, Ralph Lauren and LG Electronic­s. He called the lease- purchase program a “three- legged stool,” a team effort between retailers, shippers and the truck drivers.

Gabrielson had delivered a similar message in a letter to Congress three years earlier, calling the arrangemen­t “efficient” and “mutually beneficial.”

After the lease program rolled out, Target named Total Transporta­tion an “Outstandin­g Partner.”

At the time of the party, 44 drivers had filed labor commission­er claims against Total Transporta­tion, alleging they had been coerced into signing lease- toown contracts and cheated out of fair pay .

Total Transporta­tion owner Vic La Rosa denied drivers’ claims and said the program was designed to help them.

“The trucking companies stepped in and sponsored a lot of these drivers,” he said, noting that workers have completed the lease program. “No good deed goes unpunished.”

Target and Gabrielson, who began working at Lowe’s in August 2014, declined to comment.

“Target doesn’t have anything to share here,” spokeswoma­n Daphne Avila said in a March email.

Thursday, another spokeswoma­n, Jenna Reck, said Target previously took steps to help drivers, including paying them for time spent waiting to pick up loads.


From the beginning, retailers and port trucking companies were ready to fight bills designed to protect truckers. They saw the bills as union- friendly and bad for business.

As the clean- truck program rolled out, Target’s Gabrielson co- founded a lobbying organizati­on, the Coalition for Responsibl­e Transporta­tion, to steer policy while regulators decided the rules for clean trucks. Home Depot, Nike, Walmart and Best Buy were some of the first members.

Over the next five years, the coalition and its parent organizati­on, the Retail Industry Leaders Associatio­n, fought bills that would have converted California port drivers to employees, given cities the right to regulate port trucking and held retailers themselves liable in civil cases that workers brought against their vendors.

Walmart itself spent as much as $ 500,000 — along with $ 1 million more from the California Retailers Associatio­n — on lobbyists who courted state lawmakers while they removed language from a bill that would have guaranteed criminal penalties for egregious wage theft.

Retailers’ response to the port trucking situation stands at odds with the public image of corporate responsibi­lity the industry has tried to cultivate for years.

Target stopped importing rugs made with Indian child labor and clothes from sweatshops in Uzbekistan. Costco and Walmart police their Thai seafood sources for slave labor.

For many years, Nike benefited from sweatshops in countries that banned labor unions. After a series of exposés and protests in the 1990s and early 2000s, the company developed a code of conduct and now spends millions every year making sure its foreign vendors adhere to it.

Now Nike conducts hundreds of overseas audits of its factories each year, a practice adopted by other big retailers, including Polo Ralph Lauren, Home Depot, Neiman Marcus and JCPenney.

But they haven’t held American trucking companies to the same standards.

“It’s not on their radar screen to monitor their supply chain here,” said Shawn MacDonald, chief executive of internatio­nal research firm Verité. “People assume the problems aren’t here, but obviously they’re here, too.”

 ?? OMAR ORNELAS, THE DESERT SUN ?? Truckers in Southern California can make just pennies an hour moving goods off the docks for big retailers across the USA.
OMAR ORNELAS, THE DESERT SUN Truckers in Southern California can make just pennies an hour moving goods off the docks for big retailers across the USA.
 ?? OMAR ORNELAS, THE DESERT SUN ?? Containers at the Port of Long Beach in California hold goods ready to be trucked to retailers.
OMAR ORNELAS, THE DESERT SUN Containers at the Port of Long Beach in California hold goods ready to be trucked to retailers.

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