Chicago Sun-Times



“All life is six to five against.” — Damon Runyon

Most finesses are not six to five against, but a 50- 50 chance is little better. Rely on a finesse only as a last resort.

At six hearts, South drew trumps, took the A- K of spades and ruffed a spade. When the Q- J didn’t fall, he came to his ace of diamonds, cashed the ace of clubs, ruffed his last spade in dummy and led a club. He lost two clubs to West.

South succeeds by leading a spade to the nine, but his best chance is to take the top diamonds, draw trumps, cash the ace of spades and lead the nine, letting it ride if East plays low. When West wins, he must concede the 12th trick.

If East covered the nine, South would take the king and ruff a spade. If the missing spade honor didn’t appear, South would lead a trump to his hand and lead his last spade. If West followed, South would pitch a club from dummy, end- playing West again.

As a last resort, South could finesse in clubs. DAILY QUESTION You hold: open 2NT and, as in today’s deal, your partner responds three diamonds, a “transfer.” You duly bid three hearts, and he raises to four hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s sequence shows slam interest. If he wanted to play at four hearts, he would have transferre­d at the four level. Since your hand is excellent for play at hearts, to bid six hearts, as South did in today’s deal, is correct. South dealer N- S vulnerable

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