Chicago Sun-Times



Cy the Cynic says that if at first you don’t succeed ... well, failure may be your style. But capable declarers are reluctant to stake the contract on just one single chance. They look for extra chances and manage the play to try everything.

In today’s deal, North-South reach a reasonable slam. Without a diamond lead, South could try a finesse in trumps and then in spades, making the slam if either finesse worked. But when West leads a diamond, South is faced with a fast diamond loser. If he takes a losing finesse, the defense will cash a diamond.

A finesse will win 50 percent of the time, but South can increase his chances. After he takes the ace of diamonds, he cashes the ace of trumps. When the king falls, South is safe for 12 tricks.

If instead both defenders played low trumps, South could finesse with dummy’s queen of spades to try to get a discard for his diamond loser. His total chance would be about 63 percent.

This week: Combine your chances! DAILY QUESTION You hold: partner opens one heart, you respond one spade and he bids two diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner points, and a good game might be available. But a raise to three diamonds would show about 10 points, and partner might bid a losing game. Pass. I would raise with ! "

" # " "$ % in the actual hand, the king of spades and jack of clubs may be worthless. South dealer N- S vulnerable

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