Chicago Sun-Times

Blaming Columbus ignores real violence against Indians


As a proud member of both the Osage Nation ( the NiU-Kon- Ska, “People of the Middle Waters”), and the Knights of Columbus, I am disgusted and terrified by the ever louder calls for the cancellati­on of Columbus Day, and the tearing down of monuments dedicated to the great maritime explorer, Christophe­r Columbus.

I amdisguste­d because the attacks are unfair to the man, who was far better than most for his time.

I am terrified because by blaming Columbus for five centuries of history, we ignore the majority of that history, and risk repeating it. For any Native American, that should be truly terrifying.

Today’s protestors, with little historical sense, seem ever ready to look for scapegoats. They want to cast all blame for the atrocities committed against American Indians at the feet of Columbus. Such efforts only serve to literally white- wash and revise the true history of the Americas.

As American citizens, we need to remember our history, both the good and the bad, so that we do not repeat history’s mistakes. We need to take an honest look at all our forefather­s. We need to give them the credit they deserve for what they did well, while being mindful of the things that they should have been done differentl­y or better.

We should not tear- up the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce on the grounds that Thomas Jefferson was a slave- owner. We should not tear down the statues and memory of Christophe­r Columbus on the grounds that some people in the New World committed heinous acts. With little evidence, Francisco de Bobadilla, a man with suspect motivation­s, accused Christophe­r Columbus of brutality as a governor — especially since that “brutality” was manifested in Columbus’ execution of several Spaniards for their mistreatme­nt of the Indians.

Bartolome de las Casas Casas, Colum Columbus’ contempora­ry and renowned “Defender of the Indians,” defended both the explorer’s motives and his character.

Recent scholarshi­p has come to the same conclusion. His biographer, Stanford University Professor Emeritus Carol Delaney, points out that Columbus’ core motivation was religious. She laments that he is often blamed for the actions of others. She also notes that his relations with Native Americans tended to be “benign.”

Columbus was a man ahead of his time. There were many who were not.

Yet the latter get a pass while Columbus gets blamed. Perhaps that is easier than discussing the complexiti­es of America’s historical and present circumstan­ces.

What we lose in the rush to blame Columbus is perspectiv­e on how America has come to the present moment in its troubled relations with Native Americans.

Spain had outlawed almost all enslavemen­t of indigenous people by 1500. Yet, two hundred years later, enslavemen­t of Indians thrived in British Connecticu­t. Three hundred and fifty years later, California, would allow what can only be called Indian enslavemen­t in 1850.

In Connecticu­t and California, the wars of attrition against the Indians were waged by Anglo- Americans, not Spanish.

The problemati­c reservatio­n system was not Columbus’ idea— nor was it an idea of the Spanish. It was an Anglo- American invention.

Columbus Day is a day for us to remember that bold and courageous voyage in 1492 that led to the first sustained contact between two very different worlds. It is a day to remember the many good things that have come out of that contact, such as the founding of the United States, the first lasting democratic republic.

It is also a day to remember our failings as a country country, such as the trail of tears and the forced removal and re- education of native children in the twentieth century— episodes centuries after Columbus that the explorer neither caused nor condoned.

Each day, I see the continued hardships facing the first people of the Americas. I see the poverty, the alcoholism, the lack of quality education options, and the constant interferen­ce in the right of Indian tribes to self- determinat­ion.

While activists are quick to unfairly blame Columbus for all of this, I have yet to see a group of protesters from the city get their boots dirty while trying to make a difference for those in need on the reservatio­ns. I do, however, see the constant presence of committed groups, like the Knights of Columbus, providing quality coats for children in winter, boxes upon boxes of food every fall, and love and friendship every day.

This Columbus Day, instead of spreading a hateful and misleading history from the comfort of our easy- chairs, I would call on all Americans to follow the example of groups like the Knights of Columbus.

Donate your time, effort and money to the hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico, Florida and Houston. Reach out to the peripherie­s in your own neighborho­od. Bring companions­hip to your lonely elderly neighbor. Form friendship­s with those who are suffering.

Rather than dubiously assigning blame to one man, together we can make the United States a better place for all of us, and achieve a harmony and understand­ing between native and immigrant peoples that has too often eluded us.

 ?? SUN- TIMES LIBRARY | RICH HEIN/ ?? A statue of Christophe­r Columbus in Arrigo Park in Chicago’s Little Italy.
SUN- TIMES LIBRARY | RICH HEIN/ A statue of Christophe­r Columbus in Arrigo Park in Chicago’s Little Italy.

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