Chicago Sun-Times


- Trevor A. Foulk Trevor A. Foulk is an assistant professor in the management and organizati­on department at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland.

Sometimes it’s obvious to pretty much everyone: Your boss is a complete and utter moron. Nonetheles­s, it’s still a terrible idea to flat- out call your boss that word. Scholars have studied the issue at length ( as have the employees of bad bosses).

Voluminous academic research on the topic shows what you might have known all along: Disrespect toward your superior, in almost every instance, yields bad results.

In other words, watch what you say. This topic is particular­ly timely given recent events in the realm of politics, where Secretary of State Rex Tillerson supposedly called President Trump a “moron.”

Your boss may not be the leader of the free world but you should still tread with care.

So here’s a handy guide to dealing with a blockhead manager.

Put these tips on an index card or snap a photo with your smartphone.

Chances are, you’ll need them. TIP NO. 1: DISTANCE YOURSELF If you’re tempted to shout, “What a moron,” get out of the office. When you blurt that out, it is rarely a strategic decision. More often, it’s failure of self- control. You think, “I’ve got to say this. I’ll feel so much better.”

It doesn’t. It generally makes things worse.

Unfortunat­ely, as humans we have a limited capacity to check our impulses. Every time we hold back, we deplete that capacity a little bit more. And when that resource is used up, watch out. What to do? Remove yourself from the situation to take back control of your feelings. Take a water break. Step out of the building for a bit. It’ll clear your head so you can think through your next steps. TIP NO. 2: GET PERSPECTIV­E Once you have walked away, think about things from your boss’s perspectiv­e. It is our natural tendency to assume that other people’s bad or annoying behavior is their own choice, when often it’s caused by situationa­l factors they can’t control. Maybe your boss is in a lose- lose situation, or maybe there are other things going on at work causing him or her to behave this way. Often just taking aminute to step into your boss’ shoes can give you a different perspectiv­e on the situation that may make you feel better. TIP NO. 3: COME UP WITH A PROFESSION­AL RESPONSE Outside of the office, gather your thoughts and formulate a plan to talk to your boss, calmly and profession­ally, about the challenge or obstacle that’s causing the frustratio­n and conflict.

What is your boss doing that’s angering you? Talk to your boss about it, and don’t wait until you’re at the end of your rope. That’s when you’ll drop the “M” bomb. TIP NO. 4: GET A NEW BOSS If it’s so bad with your boss that there’s no way to negotiate a peace, move to a different supervisor or a new company.

Some bosses and employees just don’t gel. Find a manager who you don’t have to constantly be on guard with. It’s not easy changing positions or companies, but there is probably a boss out there for you, someone who isn’t a moron.


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