Chicago Sun-Times

Murder up in Chicago because the killers are not caught


Last week, Chicago once again topped more than 600 homicides for the year, which was down from last year, when the number of homicides topped 700— Chicago’s most violent year in 20 years.

Some people will say, “Well, homicides are down!” But we still have three weeks to go this year. Chicago has a serious epidemic of violence.

In my opinion, there are two reasons Chicago is facing this kind of violence: A lack of accountabi­lity and a lack of punishment. Though there have been more than 600 homicides this year, only 17 percent have been solved. Chicago has multiple killers roaming free, maybe to kill again. Why stop if there is no price to be paid and you are not met with meaningful resistance?

Some people say we don’t need more programs and services to break the gang culture. Most assuredly, these programs and services are needed. Chicago also needs, however, to increase the immediate consequenc­es of violent crime. Or how many more victims will there be? How many more shootings of innocent people and our youth will there be right outside schools, as we saw on Monday.

We all have to do better. And the city has to provide Police Supt. Eddie Johnson with the manpower he needs to fight this war— and, make no mistake, it is a war. What Chicago is doing is simply not enough. Bob Angone, retired lieutenant, Chicago Police Department, Miramar Beach, Florida

Rauner, Berrios, goodbye to both

There is one truth in the war of words between Gov. Bruce Rauner and Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios. They are correct in saying the other guy should resign, which means both should resign. Don Anderson, Oak Park

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