Chicago Sun-Times

Trump’s Jerusalem plan brings us closer to peace

- BY AVIV EZRA Aviv Ezra is the consul general of Israel to the Midwest.

Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for more than 3,000 years, and the capital of the state of Israel for 70. Just this last week, in a historic decision, President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as such. While some may argue otherwise, this celebrated announceme­nt undoubtedl­y triggers the peace process.

President Trump reflected a just and courageous message of the United States saying that enough is enough. The Palestinia­ns should stop putting pressure on the internatio­nal community and negotiate directly with the Israelis. Trump’s decision says to the Palestinia­ns that the state of Israel is a sovereign nation and should control where their own capital is and the U. S., as the closest ally of the state of Israel, will support it.

This momentous announceme­nt is not an obstacle to peace; in fact it jumpstarts the peace process. It jumpstarts the peace process because in any agreement, Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel as it has been for the past 70 years since Israel’s statehood. As Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinat­ed for his peace effort, said in 1995 after the Jerusalem Embassy act passed, there is no peace agreement with- out Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish nation.

We hope that the Palestinia­ns take from this that Israel is willing to sit down at the negotiatin­g table, as we have always been. For years we have been trying to bring the Palestinia­ns to the negotiatin­g table; however, thus far, our efforts have been unsuccessf­ul.

President Trump is coming with a different, fresh approach. Jerusalem is merely 12 miles from Ramallah, thus it is counterpro­ductive and unnecessar­y for the Palestinia­ns to negotiate with Israel through the United Nations building in New York. If the Palestinia­ns really want to achieve peace, it can be done at the negotiatin­g table directly with us. Recognizin­g Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is not an obstacle to the peace process; the unwillingn­ess of the other side to negotiate is.

It troubles me to learn of the violence that this announceme­nt brought. We must differenti­ate between the radicals and moderates. When we talk about radicals, they will always find a reason for violence. If two weeks ago they had 100 reasons for violence, maybe this week they have 101 reasons. Violence is not an ideology we encourage and we will not be held hostage or cave in to threats of violence. If we did, we would not have had the independen­t state of Israel today.

We call upon the Palestinia­ns leadership to not call for violence either. For the past 70 years, we have been dishearten­ed that Jerusalem was not recognized as our capital, but we have never once called for violence. We have used our pens, our voices and our advocacy. We call on the other side to do just that.

It is important to note that the status quo that allows all religions to freely worship at their holy sites in Jerusalem will remain in place. As the beacon for democracy in the Middle East, freedom of worship is a human right we take seriously. Israel will always ensure freedom of worship for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.

As we celebrate Hanukkah, this year we are again celebratin­g in our capital Jerusalem, but this time it isn’t because of a miracle. Instead we are celebratin­g this year because the world, starting with the United States, is acknowledg­ing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Happy holidays.

 ??  ?? Jerusalem’s Old City is seen trough a door with the shape of star of David. | ODED BALILTY/ AP
Jerusalem’s Old City is seen trough a door with the shape of star of David. | ODED BALILTY/ AP

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