Chicago Sun-Times


- NEIL STEINBERG Follow Neil Steinberg on Twitter: @NeilSteinb­erg Email: nsteinberg@suntimes. com

Yeah, the Sun- Times pays me a salary, helps with health insurance and provides an office. All of that is nice.

But the really great perk is this: a phone.

Not merely for the money saved, whatever that might be. But for sparing me the constant vigilance and heartache that wrangling a mobile phone seems to require.

Every year, my younger boy contrives to break his phone — accident, as he insists, or intentiona­l, as I suspect, who can say? I’m not God.

The mishap requires a descent into the Pepto Bismol pink perdition of the T- Mobile store, a nightmare of waiting and forms, a cross between visiting the ER and buying a house.

The company phone spares me that. It also frees me from the temptation to upgrade. Whenever a pal shows off some useless bell and whistle on his new Apple X — and several have — it’s all I can do not to grin goofily, whip my old phone out of my back pocket and crow, “Yeah, but mine has a feature that yours doesn’t: It’s freeeeee.”

The downside to a company phone is a certain peasant resignatio­n when it comes to managing the device. When the gizmo began suggesting I update the software, my head swiveled to our tech guru. Do it?

“Always update the software on your phone,” she said.

So I did. And about fiveminute­s later news broke that iPhone users are suing Apple because the update intentiona­lly slows down their phones, supposedly to compensate for deteriorat­ing batteries. Updating the software wasn’t a gaffe on par with buying a timeshare condo, but it was close.

Was my phone slower? Who could tell? It sure felt slower, now.

Then Apple, in its infinite benevolenc­e, announced it is knocking $ 50 off the price of a new battery for those shafted by the update. Even when I read a story headlined “Run, don’t walk, to replace your iPhone battery for $ 29,” I didn’t leap into action. Company phone, remember. I’m not starting to service the thing myself for the same reason I never bring a vacuum downtown to give my office carpet a quick sweep.

Then my wife sent me the same article.

I don’t want to suggest that I am henpecked. But I do try to act upon suggestion­s my wife makes, because otherwise two months later she’ll demand, “Did you get the galoshes? The puppy biscuits? I told you to get galoshes and puppy biscuits . . .” Or whatever she had said.

So I asked our tech services manager: Get a new battery? Yes! she said. Expense it.

This was Friday morning. Online, I found that the nearby Apple store is booked, in essence, forever. But the Apple scheduling site offered a second option: Abt, the Brobdingna­gian electronic­s store slowly spreading across Glenview. Their Genius Bar could give me an appointmen­t . . . at noon Saturday. I signed up. Abt should be on those lists of places in Chicago you must go before you die. It’s an electronic­s store in the same sense that St. Peter’s Basilica is a church. Every electronic device made, with the newest and highest tech featured prominentl­y. I examined a brilliant flatscreen TV that’s half an inch thick, costs $ 15,000 and is glued on the wall. I plucked a Hershey’s miniature from a jar and nibbled my way through the carnival of commotion to the Apple service center.

The clerk took my phone and told me to return in an hour.

I almost blurted out, “Oh no, not an hour! At Abt! Whatever will I do???”

I wandered into the digital Disney World— Abt, mark my words, is going to be a similar pleasure mecca someday. I enjoyed a free freshly baked cookie and coffee, wondered if I could really replace my busted $ 10 coffee grinder with a $ 99 burr grinder, their least- expensive-model. Munched a triangle of hot cheese panini, admiring a $ 52,000 sky blue enamel French stove ( which certainly made the grinder seem less of an indulgence). Looked at watches, exercise equipment, washers, dryers, refrigerat­ors, cameras. An hour passed. I guess I better

get the phone, I thought, instead detouring upstairs to shop more. Finally, with a sigh, I went to collect my iPhone. It was ready. Damn.

 ?? | KARLY DOMB SADOF/ AP ?? Apple apologized for secretly slowing down older iPhones.
| KARLY DOMB SADOF/ AP Apple apologized for secretly slowing down older iPhones.
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