Chicago Sun-Times

Trump’s drug dealer death penalty idea impractica­l, immoral and not conservati­ve

- S. E. CUPP Contact S. E. Cupp at This column first appeared in the New York Daily News.

With a horrifying death toll from our national opioid crisis — 64,000 people killed in 2016 alone — it’s high time we turn all of our resources and attention to solving this unrelentin­g scourge that’s ravaging our families and orphaning too many children.

But the president’s big idea — to in fact kill more people by making drug dealing a capital offense — is not only impractica­l and very likely ineffectiv­e, it’s immoral. And in a twist we have come to see time and time again from a president whose political positions are unmoored from any underpinni­ng belief, it isn’t conservati­ve, either.

Which is to say, conservati­ves — even Trump supporting conservati­ves — should not embrace it.

The war on drugs — a biggovernm­ent product if there ever was one — has been wildly unsuccessf­ul, by any metric. It’s wholly unsurprisi­ng that a whopping 91 percent of the country, according to a 2017 ACLU survey, thinks we must reform the criminal justice system to get away from broad, ineffectiv­e drug punishment­s that have not worked, except to create a massive industrial prison complex.

That belief has infiltrate­d even the staunchest of conservati­ve circles, too, with a range of support from the likes of Newt Gingrich to Rand Paul to Grover Norquist.

Likewise, in state houses and state legislatur­es all over the country, Republican lawmakers have jumped on the prison reform bandwagon with both feet.

But perhaps most surprising­ly, even within Trump’s own base, the appetite is for reform and not for harsher drug penalties or more imprisonme­nt.

According to a 2017 poll from the right- leaning Charles Koch Institute of 1,200 voters who participat­ed in the presidenti­al election, 81 percent of Trump supporters said reforming the criminal justice system was either very important or somewhat important.

Enter Trump. On Saturday, he spoke admiringly of an answer the president of Singapore had given him in a recent conversati­on: “He said ‘ We have a zero tolerance policy. That means if we catch a drug dealer, death penalty.’”

Institutin­g the death penalty for drug dealers, he said, is “a discussion we have to start thinking about. I don’t know if this country’s ready for it.” Demonstrab­ly, we are not. Yet, Trump pines openly and unashamedl­y for the United States to be more like brutal totalitari­an regimes like China and the Philippine­s, where thousands of drug dealers and users have been killed extrajudic­ially.

To be clear, what Trump is suggesting isn’t all that far outside the bounds of what current federal law currently allows. The death penalty already can be applied to four types of drug- related cases, according to the Death Penalty Informatio­n Center, including murder related to drug traffickin­g and the death of a law enforcemen­t officer that relates to drugs.

But more broadly executing drug dealers as attempted deter- rence is a deeply flawed policy. Despite his affection for Philippine­s President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs, by Duterte’s own admission drug use there has gone up, not down.

That makes perfect sense as part of the larger evidence of capital punishment’s ineffectiv­eness. A panel of the National Academy of Sciences unanimousl­y concluded in 2012 that there was no credible evidence of deterrence, and in a 2008 study by the University of Colorado, 88 percent of the nation’s leading criminolog­ists agreed.

States without the death penalty have had consistent­ly lower murder rates. And national murder rates have declined steadily since 1992, despite fewer executions.

Despite this, some conservati­ves have clung fast to the merits of the death penalty, and it’s likely many Trump supporters will defend the president’s call for it here, purely based on unmitigate­d emotion.

Those who embrace the idea shouldn’t call themselves conservati­ve.

For one, as I’ve written before, the death penalty is plainly unjust. When the number of wrongful conviction­s and death penalty cases that are eventually exonerated number in the hundreds, if not thousands, we cannot call it a moral system. The state should not be in the business of executing innocent people, even if unknowingl­y.

For another, it is costly. Death penalty trials can cost $ 1 million more than ones in which life without parole is sought, and it is far more expensive to house a death row inmate than a general population prisoner. That should bother conservati­ves, too.

Finally, if we Republican­s are to be the pro- life party — and I believe we must be — it is simply inconsiste­nt to support capital punishment but not abortion. Either we believe every life is valuable or we do not.

American voters know that the war on drugs hasn’t worked and they are ready for something new. Many conservati­ves are, for the first time, open to reforms. From Reagan to Obama, we have tried a “lock ’ em up” approach to drug crimes.

Trump can lead on drugs, but only if cooler heads can dissuade him away from his basest instinct to talk tough, and instead actually act smart. Those cooler heads must include conservati­ves — and to do that they must reject capital punishment once and for all.

If we Republican­s are to be the pro- life party, it is simply inconsiste­nt to support capital punishment but not abortion. Either we believe every life is valuable or we do not.

 ??  ?? Demonstrat­ors protest against the death penalty outside of the Supreme Court. | JACQUELYN MARTIN/ AP FILES
Demonstrat­ors protest against the death penalty outside of the Supreme Court. | JACQUELYN MARTIN/ AP FILES
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