Chicago Sun-Times


President hosts made- for- TV welcome for detainees, announces date, location for meeting with Kim Jong Un


WASHINGTON — Envisionin­g “a very special moment for world peace,” President Donald Trump announced Thursday he will meet North Korea’s Kim Jong Un for highly anticipate­d summit talks in Singapore on June 12. He set the stage for his announceme­nt by hosting a 3 a. m., made- for- TV welcome home for three Americans held by Kim’s government.

Final details in place, Trump and Kim agreed to the first face- to- face North Korea- U. S. summit since the end of the 1950- 53 Korean War. It’s the most consequent­ial and perhaps riskiest foreign policy effort so far in Trump’s presidency as North Korea’s nuclear program approaches a treacherou­s milestone — the capacity to strike the continenta­l U. S. with a thermonucl­ear warhead.

Trump says the U. S. is aiming for “denucleari­zation” of the entire Korean peninsula, but he has yet to fill in just what steps that might include and what the timing would be.

“We’re starting off on a new footing,” Trump said of himself and Kim as he welcomed the detainees in a floodlit ceremony at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington. He hailed their release as a potential breakthrou­gh in relations between the longtime adversary nations.

Kim has suspended nuclear and missile tests and put his nuclear program up for negotiatio­n, but questions remain about how serious his offer is and what disarmamen­t steps he would be willing to take. The White House has said withdrawal of thousands of U. S. troops from South Korea is “not on the table.”

Long before dawn Thursday, with the former detainees by his side on the air base tarmac, Trump said it was a “great honor” to welcome them back to the U. S. but “the true honor is going to be if we have a victory in getting rid of nuclear weapons.”

The ceremony, which also featured a giant American flag suspended between the ladders of two firetrucks, emphasized Trump’s penchant for the dramatic as he raised expectatio­ns for the summit. And it underscore­d how closely the fate of his foreign policy agenda is being tied to the North Korean negotiatio­ns.

Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, other top officials and first lady Melania joined the president for the air base celebratio­n. The former detainees — Kim Dong Chul, Kim Hak Song and Tony Kim — had been released Wednesday at the end of Pompeo’s visit to North Korea. They appeared tired but in excellent spirits, flashing peace signs and waving their arms as they emerged from the aircraft. One said through a translator, “It’s like a dream; we are very, very happy.” They later gave the president a round of applause. While Trump said North Korea’s Kim Jong Un “was excellent to these three incredible people,” Pence hinted in an ABC interview they had endured harsh conditions. Pence said Pompeo had told him that at a refueling stop in Anchorage, “one of the detainees asked to go outside the plane because he hadn’t seen daylight in a very long time.” The men were taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for evaluation before being reunited with their families. Trump thanked North Korean leader Kim for releasing the Americans and said, “I really think he wants to do something” on denucleari­zation.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH/ AP ?? With Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in the background, President Donald Trump speaks at Andrews Air Force Base on Thursday as he stands with ( from left) Tony Kim, Kim Dong Chul and Kim Hak Song, three Americans detained in North Korea for more than a year.
SUSAN WALSH/ AP With Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in the background, President Donald Trump speaks at Andrews Air Force Base on Thursday as he stands with ( from left) Tony Kim, Kim Dong Chul and Kim Hak Song, three Americans detained in North Korea for more than a year.

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