Chicago Sun-Times

Dems release Facebook ads created, promoted by Russia

Most were issue- based — and almost none supported Hillary


WASHINGTON — Democrats on the House intelligen­ce committee have released more than 3,500 Facebook ads that were created or promoted by a Russian internet agency, providing the fullest picture yet of Russia’s attempt to sow racial and political division in the United States before and after the 2016 election.

Most of the ads are issue- based, pushing arguments for and against immigratio­n, LGBT issues and gun rights, among other issues. A large number of them attempt to stoke racial divisions by mentioning police brutality or disparagin­g the Black Lives Matter movement. Some promote President Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders, who ran against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidenti­al primary. Few, if any, support Clinton.

The intelligen­ce committee Democrats released a sampling of the ads purchased by Russia’s Internet Research Agency last year, but they are now releasing the full cache of ads that Facebook officials turned over to the panel after acknowledg­ing in September they had discovered the Russian efforts. The release of ads from early 2015 through mid- 2017 does not include 80,000 posts that the agency also shared. Some of the ads are partially redacted, part of an effort by Facebook and the committee to protect unsuspecti­ng people whose names or faces were used.

An Associated Press review of the thousands of ads and their data shows how precisely — and sometimes randomly — the agency targeted them.

Some ads designed to appeal to critics of immigratio­n were targeted to users who liked specific Fox News hosts, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, “Old Glory” and the United States Constituti­on, among other words.

Others were more narrowly targeted. One ad that targeted African- Americans concerned about discrimina­tion was only to be shown to users accessing Facebook on Wi- Fi, rather than cellular. There was no explanatio­n as to why that was.

Sometimes the targeting appeared to work — after a try or two. A January 2016 ad that promised news on “bad” refugees got five clicks when targeted at those interested in immigratio­n or conservati­sm. But the same ad got 163 clicks when targeted at those interested in Syria, the Republican Party or politics.

Others got many more clicks. A pro- patriotism ad created on June 23, 2015 featuring a stylized drawing of a bald eagle was viewed nearly 530,000 times and was clicked on 72,000 times.

As the Russians attempted to pose as Americans, their language sometimes hinted at their origin. One ad railed against immigrants who “should prove that they are deserved to stay in the United States.” Another read: “Your life matter. My life matter. Black matters.”

In February, special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russians of an elaborate plot to disrupt the 2016 presidenti­al election, charging several people associated with the Internet Research Agency with running a huge but hidden social media trolling campaign aimed in part at helping Trump defeat Clinton.

The trove of ads released Thursday appears to back the assertion that the Russians wanted to hurt Clinton. Some spread rumors about her husband, former president Bill Clinton, or promote lies about her. Several depict Clinton behind bars.

Hundreds of the ads ran after the election, continuing the effort to sow discord. A series of ads posted two days after Trump was elected urge his supporters to show up at Trump Tower in Manhattan to respond to the “massive crowds of libtards” who protested him.

Facebook has said that more than 10 million people in the United States saw the ads.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the intelligen­ce committee, said he was releasing the ads so it doesn’t happen again.

“The only way we can begin to inoculate ourselves against a future attack is to see firsthand the types of messages, themes and imagery the Russians used to divide us,” he said.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ AP ?? House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R- Calif., walks to the chamber at the Capitol in Washington on Thursday.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ AP House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R- Calif., walks to the chamber at the Capitol in Washington on Thursday.

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