Chicago Sun-Times

Rahm’s resume includes short— really short— stint as preschool teacher


ChicagoMay­or Rahm Emanuel is a frequent resume reciter with an interestin­g and varied personal biography he is not shy about sharing.

There was the time he lost part of his right middle finger after a mishap with a meat slicer while working at Arby’s as a high school senior and then avoiding treatment because he didn’t want to miss prom.

There was his youthful passion for ballet, which earned him a scholarshi­p offer from the Joffrey Ballet, which he turned down to attend Sarah Lawrence College in New York.

Then came his master’s degree in speech and communicat­ion from Northweste­rn University, his early years as a fundraisin­g wunderkind forMayor Richard Daley and President Bill Clinton, not to mention stints in two White Houses and three terms in Congress.

So we thought we’d heard and read it all until the other day when New York Times opinion page columnist David Leonhardt wrote about Emanuel’s plans to implement universal pre- kindergart­en in Chicago.

“‘ If you’re working class, your kids are getting the shaft,’ Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, who taught preschool in his 20s, told me,’” Leonhardt wrote.

The famously potty- mouthed and short- fused Rahm Emanuel taught preschoole­rs? That seemed worth checking out.

We ran Leonhardt’s characteri­zation of Emanuel’s work record by the mayor’s office. In an email, spokesman Adam Collins proclaimed it “spot on.”

As Collins explained it, Emanuel spent his first two years at Sarah Lawrence studying early- childhood education while serving three semesters as a teaching assistant at the campus’ early childhood learning center.

A 2014 article in the Chicago Reporter cited a Sarah Lawrence spokespers­on confirming the same sequence of events laid out by Collins. Strictly speaking then, the teaching preschool story is not a brand new one, just one Emanuel typically hasn’t trotted out in frequent rumination­s on his resume.

But Mr. Warm- and- Fuzzy he clearly is not. Aside from working with tots at Sarah Lawrence, Emanuel also served as a resident advisor in a dorm where students considered him a Napoleon type and joked the R. A. acronym in his case stood for ‘ resident a-- h---,’ according to a 2007 biography of the mayor.

A former staffer in the Clinton White House has said that he and others often joked “that someone should open up a special trauma ward inWashingt­on for people who’ve worked for Rahm.”

Emanuel clearly revels in his prickly reputation. In 2009, he returned to Sarah Lawrence to give the commenceme­nt speech and receive an honorary degree, which led him to quip that he had recently been awarded another honorary degree in the field of linguistic­s for his use of four- letter words.

At his initial mayoral inaugurati­on two years later, Emanuel told onlookers, “as some have noted, including my wife, I am not a patient man.”

No he is not, and we are left only to speculate how history might have been different had Emanuel actually pursued preschool teaching as a career path.

Emanuel did gain some experience working with preschoole­rs as an undergrad, but that experience was limited to the sort that college students across the nation frequently engage in to supplement academic interests. It hardly qualified as a regular job or career choice as the column’s phrasing and the mayoral spokesman’s “spot- on” endorsemen­t would appear to suggest. The Better Government Associatio­n runs PolitiFact Illinois, the local arm of the nationally renowned, Pulitzer Prize- winning fact- checking enterprise that rates the truthfulne­ss of statements made by government­al leaders and politician­s. To read more, go to

 ?? ASHLEE REZIN/ SUN- TIMES FILES ?? Mayor Rahm Emanuel reads a book to a group of pre- K students at the Carole Robertson Center for Learning in 2015.
ASHLEE REZIN/ SUN- TIMES FILES Mayor Rahm Emanuel reads a book to a group of pre- K students at the Carole Robertson Center for Learning in 2015.
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