Chicago Sun-Times


Study finds city’s ticketing practices unfairly burden low- income, minority communitie­s


Mayor Rahm Emanuel was urged Thursday to go easier on parking and vehicle ticket scofflaws after a new report showed the city’s get- tough enforcemen­t policies were having a disproport­ionate impact on low- income and minority communitie­s.

In a report appropriat­ely called, “The Debt Spiral,” the Woodstock Institute examined 3.6 million vehicle- related tickets issued by the city in 2017.

Those tickets included: 273,000 issued by red- light cameras; 250,000 by speed cameras; 187,000 sticker violations; 175,000 tickets for expired meters; 162,000 for expired license plates or temporary registrati­ons and 144,000 for street- cleaning violations.

Results of the ZIP code- based study were not all that surprising but troubling neverthele­ss.

Tickets were 40 percent more likely to be issued to drivers from low- and moderate- income areas than to motorists who live in higher- income neighborho­ods. The same 40 percent disparity existed for drivers from predominan­tly minority neighborho­ods.

Motorists from low- and moderate- income and minority neighborho­ods also were more likely to have their driver’s licenses suspended; more prone to let their tickets go unpaid, triggering hefty penalties; and 50 percent more likely to be driven into bankruptcy.

“That’s pretty damning. That’s a pretty large disparity,” said Lauren Nolan, director of research for the Woodstock Institute.

“It’s hard to tell without analyzing foot- level data of where they’re deploying staff whether it’s people not complying or the way they enforce it. But the hammer is coming down particular­ly hard in lowerincom­e areas on these compliance-type tickets.”

Low- and moderate- income ZIP codes make up 43 percent of the city but have 54 percent of all speed cameras and 50 percent of all redlight cameras, the study showed.

“Where the city decides to place cameras has a disparate impact on low- income population­s. … You’re more apt to get a speed ticket or a red- light ticket if you’re driving through that area than if you’re driving through areas that don’t have those cameras,” Nolan said.

Whatever the reason for the disparity, the findings clearly show that the city’s “punitive” debt collection policies are unfairly squeezing those who can least afford it and need to be relaxed, Nolan said.

She’s urging the city to end the practice of suspending driver’s licenses for non- moving violations such as parking tickets and expired city stickers and offer motorists the option of paying off their debts with community service instead of fines.

Chicago was also urged to: offer more generous payment plans; follow New York City’s lead by imposing an eight- year statute of limitation­s on old tickets; adopt a San Francisco- style “fix- it” option to fines, and stop requiring city job applicants to pay off their outstandin­g city debts.

“We need to stop spiraling people into debt over these tickets. License suspension­s were originally designed to deal with problemati­c driving — somebody who’s an unsafe driver or has something like a DUI,” Nolan said.

“Increasing­ly, we’re seeing license suspension being used to enforce other things like parking tickets. That’s particular­ly problemati­c because if you don’t have a license and you can’t get to work and earn money, how are you ever gonna pay off these tickets?”

Budget Director Samantha Fields could not be reached for comment on the Woodstock Institute’s report or suggestion­s for more lenient city policies.

Ald. Anthony Beale ( 9th), chairman of the City Council’s Transporta­tion Committee, could not be reached.

Ald. Gilbert Villegas ( 36th), chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, said City Hall clearly needs to lighten up on motorists even though fines have become an increasing­ly important source of revenue for the city.

“If you don’t have the money in the first 21 days and the fine doubles, what makes you think you’re gonna have double the amount on the 22nd day? That’s very unfair,” Villegas said.

Villegas said he particular­ly likes the idea of offering community service as an alternativ­e to escalating penalties and stopping driver’s license suspension­s.

“We have to be compassion­ate and work with these folks,” he said.

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 ?? SUN- TIMES FILE PHOTO ?? Tickets were 40 percent more likely to be issued to drivers from low- and moderate- income areas than to motorists who live in higher- income neighborho­ods.
SUN- TIMES FILE PHOTO Tickets were 40 percent more likely to be issued to drivers from low- and moderate- income areas than to motorists who live in higher- income neighborho­ods.

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