Chicago Sun-Times

Congressma­n Bobby Rush marries fellow minister

- BY MAUDLYNE IHEJIRIKA, STAFF REPORTER mihejirika@ suntimes. com | @ maudlynei

Veteran Congressma­n Bobby L. Rush, DIll., who lost his wife Carolyn Rush to congestive heart failure in March 2017, has remarried, the Sun- Times has learned.

Rush, 71, who is pastor of Beloved Community Christian Church of God in Christ in Englewood, married a fellow minister, the Rev. Paulette Holloway, on June 30 in a small ceremony at Springfiel­d Baptist Church in Washington, D. C.

The widower congressma­n writes that after being in a devoted marriage for 36 years, he asked God to send him another wife after his wife passed.

In a synopsis of their love story written by the two for their friends, Rush said he “very specifical­ly asked for a Godly woman ... he could present to his church as a first lady ... and left the rest up to God.”

Holloway is a minister who travels the world as a missionary, and author of Christian books who worked full time and also was a full- time caregiver to her elderly mother when the two met.

She writes in the same synopsis that she “had been living single for 22 years ... living the best years of her life.” Holloway confessed that she “had always had a secret desire for one good Godly marriage ... but figured at this stage of her life that train had left the station.”

A congressio­nal staff member of more than 20 years introduced the two after Carolyn Rush died, and the congressma­n, who has served in the U. S. House for 25 years, shared with the staffer his prayer for another wife.

Rush said he popped the question on Oct. 31, 2017, five months after the couple’s first date in June.

Carolyn Rush died on March 13, 2017, at the University of Chicago Medical Center; her husband and children were at her bedside. Her health declined following open heart surgery, other surgeries and multiple serious health issues, Rush had said publicly. Her bouts of illness had led to Rush spending significan­t time away from the nation’s capital in 2013 and 2014 to be with her.

The couple plans to host a wedding reception in Chicago on Sept. 9.

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 ?? PROVIDED PHOTO ?? U. S. Rep. Bobby Rush and his new wife, the Rev. Paulette Holloway.
PROVIDED PHOTO U. S. Rep. Bobby Rush and his new wife, the Rev. Paulette Holloway.

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