Chicago Sun-Times


With discovery of video, little doubt remains about comptrolle­r’s intentions


There’s never been much doubt that Susana Mendoza would jump into the crowded race to replace Mayor Rahm Emanuel as soon as she was safely re-elected as state comptrolle­r.

But what little doubt there was disappeare­d on Friday.

WBEZ-FM Radio got a hold of a video of Mendoza declaring her candidacy for mayor.

Reporter Dan Mihalopoul­os tweeted a short clip of the video where Mendoza, dressed in a grayish-green cable sweater, saying, “I’m Susana Mendoza, and I’m running for mayor of Chicago. And I ask you to join me on this journey together.”

The premature release comes at a difficult time for Mendoza. It gives her Republican opponent for state comptrolle­r Darlene Senger more ammunition to say Mendoza has one foot out the door.

Gov. Bruce Rauner — a frequent target of Mendoza — wasted no time skewering her over the news.

“Another member of the Madigan Machine proves they care more about political gain than the people,” the governor tweeted. “It’s more corruption hurting our state. It’s now clear that Susana Mendoza is running for Chicago Mayor and she should drop off the ballot for State Comptrolle­r immediatel­y.” Republican­s blasted her as a “liar.” Mendoza struggled to address the leak and stay focused on Tuesday.

“I am focused on the Nov. 6 election because too much is at stake for the people of Illinois,” Mendoza, whose supporters have been circulatin­g mayoral nominating petitions on her behalf for weeks, was quoted as saying in an emailed statement.

“I’m considerin­g a run for another office and have taken steps to prepare for that should I choose to move forward but I have not made any formal decisions.”

Eric Adelstein, Mendoza’s political consultant, stepped up to take the blame for the mayoral video.

“We were filming her comptrolle­r ads and I suggested that, while she hasn’t made up her mind on the mayor’s race, she should record some lines so we had them and could move quickly if she decides ultimately to run. It’s a tight time-frame,” Adelstein said, noting the Nov. 28 mayoral filing deadline.

“She hasn’t made up her mind. One-hundred percent. l hope she runs … because the city could really use her energy, her drive and her vision. … But, maybe I jumped the gun by urging her to go out. … People should be focused on Tuesday.”

During a recent appearance before the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board, Mendoza found a clever way around her one-foot-out-the-door dilemma.

She promised to serve out her fouryear term as comptrolle­r, if Rauner is re-elected to a second term.

Democrat J.B. Pritzker is the overwhelmi­ng favorite to defeat Rauner on Tuesday.

Republican­s demanded Mendoza quit the comptrolle­r race.

“Susana Mendoza is a liar,” said Travis Sterling, executive director of the Illinois GOP. “She said she would respect voters by focusing on the Comptrolle­r’s race, but it’s clear that she only cares about her own ambition and climbing up the ladder. Mendoza has been misleading the people of Illinois, asking for their vote with no intention of serving her term. She should immediatel­y drop off the ballot for Comptrolle­r.”

Mendoza has not been kind to others running in two races.

Years ago, then-Ald. Sandi Jackson (7th) filed for both re-election to her aldermanic seat and for city clerk on the same day.

Jackson said then she planned to talk about it with her then-husband over Thanksgivi­ng dinner, then drop one or the other of the two offices.

Both Sandi and her now-ex-husband Jesse Jackson Jr. were subsequent­ly indicted, convicted and imprisoned on federal corruption charges.

Sandi Jackson’s double-filing was ridiculed by then-City Clerk Susana Mendoza.

“I filed for one office I’m really passionate about and that’s city clerk,” Mendoza said on that day.

Whenever Mendoza decides to formally enter the mayor’s race, she will become the second Hispanic candidate and immediatel­y become a potential frontrunne­r.

She is 25 years younger than County Board President Toni Preckwinkl­e and a proven vote-getter along the lakefront and among younger voters now dominating the political scene.

Mendoza also has an engaging personalit­y that has been on showcased for weeks in television commercial­s running in the Chicago market showing her playing soccer and talking about standing up to bullies.

Mendoza’s major political liability appears to be her close and longstandi­ng political relationsh­ip with House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago). In the Legislatur­e, Mendoza was a feisty ally of the powerful Southwest Side Democrat.

Mayoral candidate Bill Daley was quick to pounce on Mendoza.

Daley argued that the video shows how duplicitou­s Mendoza is.

“She’s been telling people for five weeks she’s not sure she’s gonna run. Publicly she’s been saying that….But yet, they’re passing petitions. Somebody’s paying for petitioner­s. And even does a video,” Daley said.

Daley bristled when he was reminded that his own brother was reelected as state’s attorney in 1988 and turned right around and ran for mayor in the special mayoral election in 1989.

“You love going back to 30 years ago. Give it up. Rich Daley did not make a video before he got re-elected as two terms as state’s attorney. He did not run around to people telling them he was running for mayor. That’s not true,”

“He [declared his candidacy for mayor] almost a month after his reelection after being state’s attorney for eight years.”



SUSANA MENDOZA, Illinois comptrolle­r, in a leaked video (above) declaring her candidacy for mayor

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