Chicago Sun-Times



“Silence is golden. Too bad nobody’s buying.” — graffiti

I have to agree that the price of words at the bridge table is cheap. I often hear misguided comments and unjust criticism.

In today’s deal, West led the jack of hearts against four spades: deuce, seven, three. When he led another heart, South ruffed. He cashed the ace of diamonds, ruffed a diamond in dummy, ruffed a heart and took the ace of trumps.

South next ruffed his last diamond in dummy and returned the king of hearts. When East covered, South threw a club, and East was stuck: He had to concede a ruff-sluff or let the king of clubs score. Making four.

Annoyed at being end-played, East took it out on his partner: “I played my lowest heart at Trick One. Shift to a club and he goes down. There’s no end play.”

East’s remark was ungenerous. His hearts could have been A-Q-7. From West’s point of view, a club shift could have cost. If East had to comment, he should have compliment­ed South’s play.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ 4 ♥ AQ87 ♦ Q1074 ♣ A J 7 6. The dealer, at your right, opens one spade. You double, your partner bids two hearts and the opening bidder rebids two spades. What do you say?

Answer: To pass takes discipline, but that action is correct. You have the values for a sound minimum range double of one spade. If partner has anything, he won’t sell out at the level of two. If he has a miserable hand — which is quite possible — you will hang him if you act again. South dealer

Both sides vulnerable

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