Chicago Sun-Times

WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE AVOID THE FLU VACCINE? Lessons from the 1918 flu pandemic

- By John Easton UChicago Medicine Staff Writer

Asurvey conducted in November by the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center (NORC) found that 41 percent of adults did not intend to get a flu shot in 2018.

File that under “what were they thinking?”

Seasonal influenza epidemics cause 3 million to 5 million severe cases and 300,000 to 500,000 deaths globally each year, according to the World Health Organizati­on.

Last year’s flu season was an eye opener. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza killed almost 80,000 people in the United States during the 2017-18 season. There were 49 million cases, and 960,000 hospitaliz­ations. The previous high for a regular — as opposed to catastroph­ic — flu season was 56,000 U.S. deaths.

“The majority of the 185 children who died from flu last year did not receive the flu vaccine,” said infectious disease specialist Dr. Allison Bartlett, an associate professor of pediatrics at UChicago Medicine. “Studies have shown that flu vaccinatio­n cuts the risk of flu-associated death in children by half.”

The CDC recommends flu shots every season for everyone older than 6 months of age. There are very few exceptions. People who have had a severe allergic reaction to the flu vaccine shouldn’t get one. People who have an egg allergy should get the vaccine in a medical setting.

Some people get a flu shot and still get influenza. “Even though vaccinatio­n may not completely prevent flu, the symptoms tend to be less severe in people who have been vaccinated,” said Bartlett.

The current strategy for seasonal influenza vaccinatio­n “keeps us at least one year behind this ever-evolving virus,” according to scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. But even for those unfortunat­e few, a flu shot can help. The vaccine can lessen the severity and shorten the duration of the disease.

A 2017 study confirmed that flu vaccinatio­n reduced deaths, admissions to intensive care units, and time spent in the hospital. A recent CDC study found that vaccinated adults hospitaliz­ed with influenza were 59 percent less likely to be admitted to the ICU than patients who were not vaccinated.

But nothing, so far, has rivaled the 1918-19 flu pandemic, which killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide.

In 1918, the flu season started in the spring. It picked up speed from summer to fall.

Then it exploded. In the course of a year, it killed an estimated 675,000 Americans, half of them in their prime,

20 to 40 years old. More than 100,000 Americans died in one month, October 1918. Overall life expectancy in the United States dropped about 12 years.

At first, people got the flu. Then some developed secondary bacterial infections. Progressio­n to pneumonia usually began a few days after the onset of influenza. There were no vaccines at the time to protect against the flu virus, no antiviral drugs to combat influenza and no effective antibiotic­s to counter secondary bacterial infections.

Historical­ly, 1918 was a bad year all around. World War I, a war fought primarily in muddy trenches, was still underway. Unusual flu activity was first detected in military camps during the spring of 1918. A second, far more virulent wave followed in September 1918 and lasted through November. A third wave came early in 1919 and persisted into the summer.

The wartime circumstan­ces of the epidemic (malnourish­ment, poor hygiene, overcrowde­d medical camps and hospitals) paved the way for bacterial superinfec­tions. The combinatio­n of the influenza virus plus virulent respirator­y bacteria killed most of the victims.

Overcrowde­d camps and packed hospitals made it easy for a respirator­y virus to spread. Close quarters and massive troop movements promoted the pandemic, empowered disease transmissi­on and prompted rampant viral mutation.

One hundred years later, this ever-shifting virus lives on. The 1918 virus came from birds. These birds then transmitte­d it to humans and the virus adapted, learning how to spread from person to person.

The virus behind the 1918 epidemic turned out to be extremely lethal. Even a low dose multiplied quickly, killing exposed laboratory mice within three days.

There is, however, good news. Advances in medicine and public health played a crucial role, and flu vaccines have had a major impact. But there is still a need for better prevention and treatment.

“Our efforts in the lab are to find ways to improve influenza vaccines to both limit annual epidemics and to avoid future pandemics,” said influenza researcher Patrick Wilson, an assistant professor at UChicago. “We do this by identifyin­g parts of influenza viruses that are similar for all strains and then target these regions with vaccines. This is much harder than it sounds.”

Meanwhile, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Page Family have launched the “Universal Influenza Vaccine Developmen­t Grand Challenge.” The goal is to identify transforma­tive concepts that will lead to “developmen­t of universal influenza vaccines … better preparing the world for the next influenza pandemic.”

So, here’s the take-home message: Before it’s too late,


 ??  ?? The 1918-19 flu pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide.
The 1918-19 flu pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide.
 ??  ?? Microscopi­c view of the flu virus
Microscopi­c view of the flu virus

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