Chicago Sun-Times

Why the rich don’t want single-payer


Phil Kadner’s column on Wednesday about the predictabl­e condemnati­on of single-payer health care by billionair­es missed calling out the important “why” (“The scary future of health insurance in America” — Tuesday).

Exploiters like Michael Bloomberg and Howard Schultz will say that our nation cannot afford single-payer, but anyone with eyes can see we engage in federal programs we can’t afford all the time. Whether it be endless wars or tax cuts for the rich, when the moneyed interests want something, we always print the cash needed to make it happen.

The real reason why the rich don’t want single-payer insurance is because the current system keeps workers indebted to their employer. This keeps employees subservien­t and desperate, exactly how the exploiters like it.

Don Anderson, Oak Park

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