Chicago Sun-Times

Finish the job and elect Lori Lightfoot for mayor


You started this thing, and you can finish it.

Against the odds, you made Lori Lightfoot, a complete outsider to the corrupting Chicago Way, the leading candidate to be our city’s next mayor.

Now let’s get her over the finish line.

In the first round of this mayoral election, on Feb. 26, you voted for honest-to-God political reform. Not all of you, or even most — but enough of you.

You voted for an end to the insider’s game. You voted for a politics that puts ordinary people first, not corporatio­ns, unions or hedge fund billionair­es. You voted against a politics of self-dealing that is as old as the city itself, an endless Chicago Fire.

Two quality candidates, Lightfoot and Toni Preckwinkl­e, will face off in the April 2 runoff. And though they argue over who’s the real “progressiv­e,” which for once is a badge of honor, they are not far apart on the issues. They hold similar views on how to fix the city’s finances, reform police practices, curb violent crime and uplift hurting neighborho­ods.

If you were to try to choose your candidate based only on that, you might figure it was a toss-up.

But this is no longer an election about public policy difference­s. Those concerns were sorted out in the first round, where candidates further to the right, such as Bill Daley, and further to the left, such as Amara Enyia, failed to make the runoff.

This election now is about one big thing: Upending Chicago’s corrupt political system.

And on that score, one candidate clearly most deserves your vote: Lori Lightfoot. We offered her our endorsemen­t last month, and we reaffirm it today.

Lightfoot, as we have written before, is beholden to nobody but you. She came out on top in the first round of voting despite almost no support from big-name politician­s and special interests. Candor and integrity were her precinct workers. A highly principled record of public service was her campaign war chest.

If now, in this second round, the special interests are lining up behind her, it’s not because they share her views or expect to buy influence. Nothing about Lightfoot says that will work. They’re afraid of being left behind.

Lightfoot’s campaign caught fire because Chicagoans have had enough. The politics of this town are dragging us down, and anybody can see it.

How could Chicago hope to lure to town a big company like Amazon when the news of the day was that the city’s most powerful alderman had been charged with attempted extortion? That was Edward M. Burke in December.

Since 1972, 29 aldermen have been convicted of crimes related to their jobs.

How can Chicagoans trust that their tax money is being well spent when the news of the day is that another alderman may have worked in cahoots with the most powerful local Democrat of them all, House Speaker Mike Madigan, to put the squeeze on a hotel developer? That was Danny Solis, as reported by the Sun-Times in January.

How can anybody believe that the mayor and City Council are equally committed to our city’s most downtrodde­n neighborho­ods when, with a big assist from a custom called “aldermanic prerogativ­e,” they’re so aggressive­ly shoving ahead on a taxsubsidi­zed sweet deal for developers on the comfortabl­e North Side? That would be Lincoln Yards.

As Ald. Harry Osterman (48th) put it: “This is the rich getting richer and the North Side getting norther.”

The problem in this election for Preckwinkl­e, chairwoman of the Cook County Democratic Party, is that she is a compromise­d member of a compromise­d club.

She entered public life as a reformer, first as an alderman and now as Cook County Board president. She has improved the county health care system, reduced the jail population and made county government more efficient. But she has an overdevelo­ped instinct for the pragmatic — a willingnes­s to forge dubious alliances in the service of getting things done.

Preckwinkl­e raked in $116,000 at a fundraiser at Burke’s home. Her administra­tion hired Burke’s poorly qualified son to a county job that paid nearly $100,000 a year. Most objectiona­ble, she consistent­ly stood with Joe Berrios, the former Cook County assessor who spent his days hiring relatives and handing out property tax breaks to the rich and politicall­y connected.

Meanwhile, Lightfoot was having none of it.

As a partner in a major law firm with a global reach, Lightfoot worked on two lawsuits to actually decrease the unfair advantage of the Democratic Party. The suits alleged, correctly, that the congressio­nal map in Illinois was unfair to Republican­s.

As deputy chief in City Hall’s procuremen­t department, she gave Mayor Richard M. Daley grief by questionin­g contracts to the politicall­y connected.

As head of special task force, she gave Mayor Rahm Emanuel grief by producing a scathing report on the Chicago Police Department.

This election is no longer about who’s the real progressiv­e, a label that might scare off half the voters anyway. That’s a wash. It’s about who is most likely to put an end to the Democratic Party and City Hall’s culture of favoritism and self-enrichment by, among other basic reforms:

◆ Ending aldermanic prerogativ­e, the custom by which the entire City Council will defer to a single alderman on everything from affordable housing to the size of a store sign. It was aldermanic prerogativ­e that made it possible for Burke to harass the owner of a Burger King restaurant who wanted to make renovation­s, which led to Burke’s indictment.

◆ Giving the job of drawing aldermanic ward boundaries to an independen­t commission. As it works now, the aldermen draw the boundaries, like a contortion­ist’s trick, solely in the service of getting themselves re-elected.

On these two measures, long overdue, where do the candidates stand?

Preckwinkl­e is opposed. Lightfoot says let’s do it.

The old Chicago Way is holding a good town down. Are you as fed up as we are?

We again urge a vote for Lori Lightfoot and a new Chicago Way.


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