Chicago Sun-Times



WASHINGTON — Kamala Harris released a health care proposal on Monday that sought to bridge the Democratic Party’s disparate factions. Instead, she drew criticism from rivals across the political spectrum. Progressiv­es took issue with the presidenti­al candidate for stopping short of the full-scale health care overhaul embodied by the “Medicare for All” legislatio­n. Her more moderate rivals, meanwhile, said she was trying to have it all without taking a firm position on one of the most animating issues in the primary. The onslaught offered a preview of the Democrat-on-Democrat fighting that will likely unfold over two nights of presidenti­al debates that begin on Tuesday. It left Harris back in the uncomforta­ble spot she’s been for months: explaining herself on health care.

Trump, Sharpton trade jabs

WASHINGTON — After a weekend of attacks on Baltimore area Rep. Elijah Cummings, President Donald Trump expanded his attacks Monday to include a Cummings defender the Rev. Al Sharpton, who held a press conference in Baltimore to condemn the president. “Al is a con man, a troublemak­er, always looking for a score,” Trump tweeted, adding the civil rights activist and MSNBC host “Hates Whites & Cops!” Sharpton tweeted back, saying, “I do make trouble for bigots.”

57 inmates killed in Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO — At least 57 prisoners were killed by other inmates during clashes between organized crime groups in the Altamira prison in northern Brazil Monday with 16 of the victims being decapitate­d, according to prison officials.

China defends Hong Kong policing

BEIJING — China blamed Western forces and defended police conduct after Hong Kong endured another weekend of violent clashes. Some “irresponsi­ble people” in the West have applied “strange logic” that made them sympatheti­c and tolerant to “violent crimes” but critical of the police’s “due diligence,” a Chinese government spokesman said Monday.

 ??  ?? Sen. Kamala Harris
Sen. Kamala Harris

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