Chicago Sun-Times


Pritzker orders bars, restaurant­s to close dine-in operations by Monday night PLUS: Gov, mayor blast O’Hare delays ♦ Churches cope ♦ Trump says: ‘Take it easy. Just relax’

- LYNN SWEET | @lynnsweet

With Illinois grinding to a halt because of the coronaviru­s pandemic — everything except the Tuesday Illinois primary — voters, campaigns and election authoritie­s are facing historic and first-time challenges. We’ve never, ever, experience­d something like this.

Almost all the voter contact over the weekend for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden in Illinois was virtual, whether via apps, video conference­s, calls to phones, texts or emails.

People in these final days are being prodded by campaigns to get out to vote in person — early, on Monday or Tuesday — at a time when everyone else is advising us to stay home as infections from the virus spread.

When Joe Biden 9th Congressio­nal District delegate candidate Jill Wine-Banks early voted Sunday in Evanston, she brought her own pen to sign-in and wore protective gloves to avoid skin contact with the touchscree­n.

Banks, an MSNBC analyst whose memoir, “The Watergate Girl,” was just published, advised,

“either bring Lysol wipes or wear rubber gloves so that you are not touching the screen and then throw the gloves away. But it’s important to get out the vote,” she said.

Sanders and Biden met in their first one-on-one debate Sunday night — I’m writing this before the CNN-Univision showdown — and Jill Biden headlined a “virtual” pre-debate watch party, targeting women in the four states voting Tuesday: Illinois, Arizona, Florida and Ohio.

Her comments were keyed to the coronaviru­s crisis. “We need to vote. We need to elect a president who can be a kind, steady and courageous leader…We can build a better nation if we do it together.”

On the call, Illinois Biden Director Claudia Chavez, speaking from the West Loop, noted that local election and health officials have been taking “precaution­s” as the number of coronaviru­s cases in Illinois swells.

Jill Biden is also headlining an Illinois get out the vote call to Illinois volunteers Monday with Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill.

Former Vice President Biden is the front-runner in Illinois and is expected to claim the lion’s share of pledged elected delegates Tuesday and close down a path forward for Sanders, the Vermont independen­t senator. That is, unless he

stumbles in the debate.

The strength of the Sanders campaign has always been its highly networked supporters. The quick transition to a virtual campaign was not difficult for the Sanders team.

The Sanders campaign said in a statement Sunday it was “ramping up its remote organizing program, making calls to more than 170,000 Illinoisan­s in a single day since the campaign shifted its organizing capacity to remote and digital formats. The campaign in Illinois received more than 1,000 signups for remote volunteer shifts in response to the campaign’s move to remote organizing.”

Bernie 2020 Illinois Field

Director Gabriel Gold Hodgkin, who was working from his home in Bridgeport on Sunday, told the Chicago Sun-Times that when it came to coronaviru­s-related voting logistical concerns, “We are in an unpreceden­ted moment. It is pretty much impossible to predict a whole lot. But what we are focused on is what we can control, which is organizing,” with supporters “stepping up in this moment of crisis.”

Voters may find polling places switched because of the coronaviru­s-sparked election chaos. He said they were “working hard” to keep their voters informed of where to vote.

For Sanders, the under-30 vote is crucial.

On Sunday, hours before the debate started, Biden extended olive branches, embracing signature

Sanders and Elizabeth Warren issues.

Biden said he backs a plan to revise the bankruptcy laws proposed by Warren, the Massachuse­tts senator who dropped her 2020 Democratic primary bid without endorsing Sanders or Biden. The change would allow student loan debt to be wiped out in a bankruptcy, just like other debts.

Biden also agreed to back proposals to make public college tuition-free — but only for families with income below $125,000.

Operatives I talked to said they expected a lower than usual coronaviru­s primary turnout. Gov. J.B. Pritzker on CNN Sunday night predicted a “very robust” vote — with a boost from social distancing since he does not expect a lot of people in a polling place all at one time.

 ?? TYLER LARIVIERE/SUN-TIMES ?? People line up outside River North restaurant­s and taverns on Saturday.
TYLER LARIVIERE/SUN-TIMES People line up outside River North restaurant­s and taverns on Saturday.
 ?? MANDEL NGAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Democratic presidenti­al hopefuls former Vice President Joe Biden (left) and Sen. Bernie Sanders greet each other with an elbow bump before the 11th Democratic Party 2020 presidenti­al debate in Washington, D.C., on Sunday.
MANDEL NGAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Democratic presidenti­al hopefuls former Vice President Joe Biden (left) and Sen. Bernie Sanders greet each other with an elbow bump before the 11th Democratic Party 2020 presidenti­al debate in Washington, D.C., on Sunday.
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