Chicago Sun-Times

Five ways you can help small businesses survive the coronaviru­s pandemic

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For millions of small businesses in the United States, the coronaviru­s has been a kick to the gut. Many fear they may never recover.

You can help them.

We all have favorite restaurant­s and other small businesses we frequent, and we all want to do what we can to make sure they’re still standing after the worst of this pandemic passes. We might not be able to walk through their doors right now, as we practice social distancing.

But we can support them in other ways.

1. Buy gift cards

Gift cards provide ready cash for restaurant­s, shops and theaters at a time when businesses might be finding that just paying the rent and meeting payroll is a nightmare, says Sam Toia, president & CEO of the Illinois Restaurant Associatio­n. Enough gift cards, he said, could mean the difference between a business closing for good or eventually re-opening. And once the coronaviru­s threat has ebbed and that favorite restaurant reopens, you’ve got a place to go to celebrate.

Keep in mind, of course, that gift cards can’t be redeemed if an establishm­ent goes out of business for good.

2. Get stuff delivered

Have food and other goods delivered to your door. If you are sick or quarantine­d, pay over the telephone or online, and make sure to tip. If you can, make that a big tip.

Sixty percent of Chicago’s 7,500 restaurant­s deliver. They need that business. Twenty to 25% are considerin­g closing — not even doing carryout — for the duration of the virus shutdown, says Toia.

3. Keep in touch

Rather than go your separate way because a business has closed or you’re self-isolating to the max, seek out a middle ground. Instead of canceling a regular service, such as for lawn care or a cleaning service, offer to continue to make a small regular payment that will go toward future service. Like gift cards, it would help the business’ cash flow.

4. Shop locally online

When shopping online, buy from local businesses whenever possible. Be patient if an establishm­ent, having never transacted business in this way before, struggles to adapt to a new way of doing things.

5. Boost the best via social media

Remind your social media friends that now is the time to step up, simply by doing business by phone and online, for the small businesses and shops — the hair salons, hardware stores, restaurant­s, clothing stores and the like — that they’d hate to see go under. Share links to your own favorite businesses.

Unfortunat­ely, for all of this, it may never be enough to save millions of small businesses.

According to a survey by Software Advice, a Texas-based company that specialize­s in software applicatio­ns for businesses, 34% of all small businesses in the United States have been hit by customers canceling appointmen­ts, meetings and purchase orders in the past two weeks because of the virus.

If that survey is done again in a week, we’d be willing to bet, that percentage would be double or more.

JPMorgan Chase Institute says 47% of small businesses have less than two weeks of cash on hand.

A plea for industry-specific plans

“The truth is, it isn’t enough,” the co-owner of a North Shore hair salon told us on Wednesday, after describing plans to stay connected with clients while her shop is closed. “We need direct aid packages — zero-interest loans, grants, rent and mortgage holidays. I feel in my bones that the salon is going to be closed until sometime this summer — maybe longer.”

It would help, this shop owner said, “if our elected leaders would stop trying to patch the boat with duct tape and work with business folks to put together industry-specific plans to deal with the scale of the problem headed our way.”

Across the country, state and local government­s are moving in that direction, showing by example what we should be seeing more of in Illinois.

Seattle is deferring business and occupation taxes for many businesses. The city also is expanding its Small Business Stabilizat­ion Fund — a source of direct cash assistance — and providing technical assistance to business owners seeking relief from the U.S. Small Business Administra­tion.

New York has a plan to offer interest-free loans of up to $75,000 to retail businesses with fewer than 100 employees that have suffered a drop in sales of 25% or more. New York also is considerin­g offering grants that would cover 40% of payroll of two months to businesses with fewer than five employees.

In Birmingham, Ala., the city and corporate partners are working to create a fund to support local small businesses through low-interest loans.

On Thursday, we are told, Mayor Lori Lightfoot will present her own plan for helping small businesses in Chicago. We look forward to seeing it.

Our bottom line? There’s a good argument for cutting checks of $1,000 to millions of Americans to boost buying power during this economic crisis, as the Trump administra­tion is considerin­g. But will that be enough to save small businesses?

The Centers for Disease Control recently warned that the pandemic could rage on for another 18 months. That sounds to us like an excellent argument for government, at all levels, to come to the aid of small businesses right away, hard and fast.

In the long run, a regular paycheck beats a check in the mail.

I’m pushing 93. Did I ever consider that I might reach this number? Life seemed to be an eternal spring.

Oh, there were plenty of winter days, but our family was blessed with good health, smart kids and a sense that the future was something taken for granted. You worked hard, you played by the rules, you tried to treat everyone fairly, and you felt that a good death would somehow be inevitable.

We shared sadness in my immediate family over the years, a sadness that never really went away. But we survived it with the applicatio­n of faith and a certain sense of humor that canceled some of the hardship.

That was then, and this is now. With the threat of the coronaviru­s, there is uncertaint­y, foreboding and an unnerving feeling of helplessne­ss. We question our life that went before. Were we all living in a bubble?

Being of German ancestry, I frequently had somber thoughts about my end of days, but something — a beautiful day, the smile of a loved one, a good Chicago hot dog, a laugh with friends — would banish those distractio­ns almost immediatel­y.

Even in the darkest days, we humans have a survival gene that kicks in to lessen the blow.

Today, we are called to consider a situation — the spreading coronaviru­s — that was unimaginab­le just months ago. Common sense has to prevail, not panic. Should we look on this as a wake-up call to remember all the good things in life and rally together to defeat this damn virus in all our individual ways?

Wash your hands. Be kind to those you meet. And fight for your right to die as you want, with family around you and the knowledge that you mattered in some small way — and we will survive this crisis. Charlie Maier, Lincolnwoo­d

 ?? TERESA CRAWFORD/AP ?? Kitchen staff prepare meals at Batter & Berries in Chicago on Monday.
TERESA CRAWFORD/AP Kitchen staff prepare meals at Batter & Berries in Chicago on Monday.

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