Chicago Sun-Times

America’s lack of preparedne­ss is unforgivab­le

- S.E. CUPP @secupp S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

In the movies, this all goes very differentl­y. In Hollywood’s version of events, the federal government had been building a secret bunker in the limestone cliffs of Missouri to house a million people in the expectatio­n of an extinction-level-event.

Or the entire executive and legislativ­e branches were relocated to an undergroun­d facility in Virginia where continuity of government could be preserved, and, I suppose, lawmakers weren’t still using the public gym during a pandemic.

Even in the all-too-real scripted version of coronaviru­s-the-movie, “Contagion,” the CDC has identified a stadium that can be turned into a triage facility — on Day 12 of the outbreak.

If only this were one of those movies. As we try to adjust to a total stoppage of life as we know it due to the spread of COVID-19, the lack of preparedne­ss by the federal government is utterly and indefensib­ly unfathomab­le.

We’ve watched the president of the United States first dismissing the severity of the crisis, his own experts contradict­ing him publicly; confusion over the responsibi­lities of the federal government versus individual states; governors fighting with the White House for supplies; a shortage of personal protective equipment for our doctors on the front lines; hospitals overwhelme­d with patients; Congress playing politics with relief funding.

How could one of the wealthiest and most powerful countries on the planet be this behind the curve?

From the simplest of tools — like a disaster supply chain org chart — to the most complex and sophistica­ted pandemic readiness plans, it seems as though the United States had next to nothing in place.

And even more galling, there were too many warnings to count.

Starting way back in 2005, the George W. Bush administra­tion published a pandemic plan, which said that medical supplies should be distribute­d from the Strategic National Stockpile in the event of an outbreak. In 2009, a federal task force recommende­d that the Obama administra­tion replenish that stockpile of N95 protective face masks, which had been depleted during that year’s swine flu outbreak. It did not.

Flash forward to 2017, seven days before Donald Trump took office. Obama administra­tion officials simulated an influenza pandemic with the incoming Trump administra­tion.

In May, the following year, Trump’s biodefense preparedne­ss adviser, Luciana Borio, warned that a flu pandemic was the country’s top health security threat. “We know that it cannot be stopped at the border,” she said.

That same month, the top official responsibl­e for leading the U.S. response to a pandemic like COVID-19 left the administra­tion and the health security team he ran was disbanded by national security adviser John Bolton. At the time, a former Obama administra­tion official warned the move “seems to actively unlearn the lessons we learned through very hard experience over the last 15 years. These moves make us materially less safe. It’s inexplicab­le.”

And just last year, from January to August, the Department of Health and Human Services simulated a pandemic scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion,” which revealed how incredibly underfunde­d and underprepa­red the federal government was for a viral outbreak like this very one.

What good are all these simulation­s if they do not spur the government into action?

With all of these failings coming to light — and surely there are more to come — Trump has tried to dodge accountabi­lity at every turn. First he said, “I don’t take responsibi­lity at all” for testing lags. He’s blamed Obama, Democrats, even journalist­s for his administra­tion’s failures, at one time saying “the only thing we weren’t prepared for was the media.”

He’s said he didn’t know anything about dismantlin­g the pandemic response team, despite a video of him explaining that decision shows that to be a lie. “I’m a businesspe­rson,” he said during a press briefing in February. “I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them.”

He’s alternatel­y dismissed the pandemic as nothing more than the flu, and now he is saying coronaviru­s is far worse than the flu.

There’s simply no way around it. This administra­tion’s lack of preparedne­ss and, in some cases, willful denial of facts has cost American lives. And while we’re still coping with the current pandemic, it’s not too early to think about the next one and ask ourselves: Is this president capable of learning from mistakes when he refuses to admit he’s made any?

The answer is both obvious and terrifying.


 ?? ALEX BRANDON/AP ?? President Donald Trump listens Tuesday during a coronaviru­s briefing at the White House.
ALEX BRANDON/AP President Donald Trump listens Tuesday during a coronaviru­s briefing at the White House.
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