Chicago Sun-Times

ND-Wake set for Dec. 12


The Atlantic Coast Conference on Wednesday announced the game between Notre Dame and Wake Forest in WinstonSal­em, North Carolina, will be played Dec. 12.

The game had been scheduled for Saturday, but it was postponed Tuesday because of positive COVID-19 tests in the Irish program, which put 13 players in isolation and 10 more in quarantine.

The positive tests at Notre Dame also caused South Florida to pause on-field football activities. The school said its team was tested twice Friday — the day before a loss to the Irish in South Bend, Indiana — and again Monday. South Florida said all those tests were negative, but it decided ‘‘out of an abundance of caution’’ to do more tests and put practices on hold.

Third team backs out on Houston

Houston is again without an opponent and still is waiting to play its season opener because of complicati­ons stemming from COVID-19.

The latest team forced to bail on the Cougars was North Texas, which said it would not be able to field a team for the game Saturday after four positive tests this week. The school didn’t specify how many more people needed to self-isolate because of contact tracing.

Houston was scheduled to play Friday at Memphis, but that game was wiped out a week in advance because of a virus outbreak among the Tigers. It was replaced by a hastily arranged game Saturday against Baylor, but the Bears had to cancel that game a day before kickoff because of multiple positive tests.

MAC presidents to meet Friday

Mid-American Conference presidents are scheduled to meet Friday, with playing football in the fall on the agenda, multiple outlets reported. The conference neither confirmed nor denied the reports.

The MAC was the first FBS conference to postpone fall football in early August because of concerns about playing through the coronaviru­s pandemic.

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