Chicago Sun-Times


McConnell secures reelection, Democrat takes Colorado seat


WASHINGTON — The battle for control of the Senate tightened Tuesday after Democrats picked up a seat in Colorado but suffered a setback in Alabama, and Republican­s held their own in high-profile races in South Carolina, Texas and Kansas, narrowing the political map.

Republican­s fought to retain their Senate majority against a surge of Democrats challengin­g President Donald Trump’s allies. Both parties saw paths to victory, but the Democrats’ were narrowing. With several races still too early to call, and one Georgia contest heading to a January runoff, the final verdict might not be known on election night.

Democrats ousted Cory Gardner for John Hickenloop­er in Colorado, a must-win seat if Democrats were to wrest the majority. Gardner was among the most endangered incumbents as his state shifted leftward in the Trump era.

“It’s time for a different approach,” Hickenloop­er said in a live video message posted on Facebook.

But several battlegrou­nds broke for Republican­s, including an open seat in Kansas. Rep. Roger Marshall prevailed over Democratic state Sen. Barbara Bollier, a former Republican, who energized Democrats in a state that hasn’t elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1932.

From New England to the Deep South and the Midwest to the Mountain West, Republican­s defended seats in states once considered long shots for Democrats. The Trump administra­tion’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, its economic fallout and the nation’s uneasy mood all seemed to be on the ballot.

Trump loomed large over the Senate races as did Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden. They swooped into key states, including Iowa, Georgia and Michigan, in the final days of the campaigns. Voters ranked the pandemic and the economy as top concerns, according to AP VoteCast, a national survey of the electorate.

Securing the Senate majority will be vital for the winner of the presidency. Senators confirm administra­tion nominees, including the Cabinet, and can propel or stall the White House agenda. With Republican­s now controllin­g the chamber, 53- 47, three or four seats will determine party control, depending on who wins the presidency because the vice president can break a tie.

In Kentucky, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell fended off Democrat Amy McGrath, a former fighter pilot in a costly campaign, but he acknowledg­ed his GOP colleagues face tougher races.

“We don’t know which party will control the Senate,” McConnell said from Louisville. “But some things are certain already. We know grave challenges will remain before us, challenges that could not care less about our political polarizati­on. We know our next president will need to unite the country, even as we all continue to bring different ideas and commitment­s to the table.”

White House confidant Lindsey Graham survived the fight of his political life in South Carolina against Democrat Jamie Harrison, whose campaign stunned Washington by drawing more than $100 million in smallscale donations. In Texas, Sen. John Cornyn turned back Democrat MJ Hegar in his hardest-fought election in almost two decades.

Republican­s flipped the seat in Alabama that Democrat Doug Jones had won in a special election as former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville was elected.

In Arizona, Democrat Mark Kelly held an early lead against Republican Martha McSally.

In Georgia, two Senate seats were being contested.

One already is headed to a Jan. 5 runoff after no candidate reached the 50% threshold to win. GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler will face Democrat Raphael Warnock in a special election for the seat Loeffler was tapped to fill for retired Sen. Johnny Isakson.

In the other, GOP Sen. David Perdue, the former business executive Trump calls his favorite senator, tried to stave off Democrat Jon Ossoff, another candidate who has benefited from the “green wave” of campaign donations. It, too, is expected to go to a runoff.

So far, incumbent senators in less competitiv­e races easily won.

Several Democrats were reelected, including No. 2 leader Dick Durbin of Illinois, Mark Warner in Virginia and Ed Markey, who survived a primary challenge in Massachuse­tts. Chris Coons kept his Delaware seat.

Among Republican­s, Cindy Hyde- Smith in Mississipp­i, Tom Cotton in Arkansas, Ben Sasse in Nebraska, Shelley Moore Capito in West Virginia and James Inhofe in Oklahoma won.

 ?? DAVID ZALUBOWSKI/AP FILE PHOTO ?? Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenloop­er, a Democrat, won a Senate seat on Tuesday over a Republican incumbent.
DAVID ZALUBOWSKI/AP FILE PHOTO Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenloop­er, a Democrat, won a Senate seat on Tuesday over a Republican incumbent.

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