Chicago Sun-Times

Biden’s early Cabinet picks signal return to valuing stability, experience, sobriety

- S. E. CUPP @ secupp S. E. Cupp is the host of “S. E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

President- elect Joe Biden has begun to piece together his Cabinet, and the early announceme­nts reveal an administra­tion that prizes diversity and familiarit­y, but more vitally, experience over blind loyalty.

Needless to say, that is very refreshing and reassuring. My blood pressure has already begun to fall.

The last four years have been a roller coaster of incompeten­ce and scandal at the highest levels of the Trump administra­tion. From a staff secretary with allegation­s of domestic violence to a White House communicat­ions director who lasted a whopping 11 days, President Trump’s picks, as you’ll remember, were in many cases inexperien­ced friends, donors, supporters and hangers- on who had no business doing the jobs they were chosen for.

Some of the low lights:

Ben Carson, a surgeon and onetime Trump critic- turned- fanboy, was for some reason chosen to be secretary of Housing and Urban Developmen­t.

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry was tapped to head the Energy Department, which he’d promised to abolish while running for president.

The former CEO of Exxon, a civil engineer by training, was appointed secretary of state, the highest- ranking member of the Cabinet and fourth in the line of succession to the president.

And as recently as May of this year, Louis DeJoy, a Trump donor, was appointed postmaster general, the first in nearly two decades who was not a career postal employee.

Then, of course, there were the numerous officials who resigned or were fired under ethics scandals — Tom Price at Health and Human Services, David Shulkin at Veterans Affairs, Ryan Zinke at Interior, Alex Acosta at Labor, Scott Pruitt at EPA and the list goes on.

Finally, there were the few but not insignific­ant number of officials who left as a function of being unable to do their jobs under Trump’s constant coercion or public denigratio­n.

The sum result has been a revolving door of cronyism, incompeten­ce, controvers­y and conflicts of interest. The effect was instabilit­y, dysfunctio­n and national embarrassm­ent. In Trump’s efforts to “drain the swamp,” he turned it into a nuclear waste dump that was toxic to all who went near it.

As his term wore on, qualified people wanted no part of Trump’s administra­tion. By the end of it, quacks like Rudy Giuliani were running his “elite strike force” legal efforts in front of Four Seasons Total Landscapin­g.

Biden’s early picks signal a return to stability, experience and sobriety.

Antony Blinken, a career foreign policy and national security official and close adviser to Biden, will be his secretary of state, a more than reasonable role for such a person.

Janet Yellen, the former Federal Reserve chair, will be tapped for Treasury. Yes, that makes sense.

Avril Haines, a former CIA official and national security adviser to Obama, will be director of national intelligen­ce — an intelligen­t pick.

Linda Thomas- Greenfield will be ambassador to the United Nations following a 35- year career in the Foreign Service. Yep, I see what you did there.

Alejandro Mayorkas, former head of Citizenshi­p and Immigratio­n Services, will be Biden’s Homeland Security secretary — because, presumably, he has relevant experience in homeland security.

Biden deserves credit for these picks, of course, but it should be noted that the usual political appointmen­ts weren’t on the table for him. Democrats can’t afford to lose any seats in Congress, rendering many elected senators and House members, especially in states with Republican governors, undesirabl­e.

Biden also deserves credit for his eye toward qualified diversity — selecting the first woman to lead the intelligen­ce community, the first Latino to run DHS, one of the youngest national security advisers in history, the first woman at Treasury — signaling that a return to experience can still and should come with fresh perspectiv­es.

He can continue the good course he’s on by appointing experience­d leaders in their field to the rest of his Cabinet.

During the course of his campaign, Biden continuous­ly stressed that he’d put scientists out front, both when it came to COVID and climate change. While John Kerry is perfectly suited to lead his climate special envoy — inherently a political post — Biden should avoid putting a political figure at EPA. Names like Washington Gov. Jay Inslee would defy that promise. If Biden wants to take politics out of science, he needs to take politician­s out of science.

Likewise, Biden should avoid the controvers­ial figures some on the left are pining for, primarily for purposes of revenge on Republican­s who have attacked them — like former UN Ambassador Susan Rice, or Hillary and Bill Clinton. Cabinet appointmen­ts aren’t the place for comeuppanc­e, score- settling or vanity projects, especially with so much work to do.

But so far, so good. In a press conference Tuesday, Biden defined his approach succinctly in describing Blinken’s appointmen­t to State: “No one is better prepared for this job.” Ah, experience — how we’ve missed you.

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 ??  ?? President- elect Joe Biden announces Cabinet picks on Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware.
President- elect Joe Biden announces Cabinet picks on Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware.

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