Chicago Sun-Times

Biden reassures allies: ‘America is back’


WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden used his first address before a global audience Friday to declare that “America is back, the transatlan­tic alliance is back,” after four years of a Trump administra­tion that flaunted its foreign policy through an “America First” lens.

Speaking to the annual Munich Security Conference virtually, Biden ticked through a daunting to-do list — salvaging the Iran nuclear deal, meeting economic and security challenges posed by China and Russia and repairing the damage caused by the coronaviru­s pandemic — that he said would require close cooperatio­n between the U.S. and its Western allies.

Without mentioning Donald Trump’s name once in his speech, Biden mixed talk of a reinvigora­ted democratic alliance with a rebuke of his predecesso­r’s approach, a message warmly received by Western allies.

“I know the past few years have strained and tested the transatlan­tic relationsh­ip,” Biden said. “The United States is determined to reengage with Europe, to consult with you, to earn back our position of trusted leadership.”

U.S. unwinds Trump’s asylum policy

SAN DIEGO — The Biden administra­tion moved to restore the asylum system to the way it worked for decades Friday by releasing a group of asylum-seekers into the United States, ending their long wait in Mexico and unraveling one of Trump’s signature immigratio­n policies. The 25 people who arrived are the first of an estimated 25,000 asylum-seekers with active cases in the “Remain in Mexico” program who will now wait in the U.S. for their court hearings instead of south of the border.

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