Chicago Sun-Times


Researcher­s at the U. of I. are asking for help studying the risks of the disease-carrying pests — and offering advice for avoiding them


“Beware of ticks” — that’s a common warm weather advisory for nature lovers.

Now, with the pandemic waning and more people outdoors, researcher­s at the University of Illinois and around the Midwest are asking for help researchin­g the disease-carrying blood suckers — and offering advice for avoiding them.

U. of I. experts are now promoting The Tick App, a collaborat­ion between researcher­s trying to better understand the prevalence and danger of ticks, which account for an increasing number of diseases here over the past decade.

The app has been downloaded by thousands of people, who are asked to log their tick experience­s and take pictures of the tiny critters, which can transmit Lyme disease and a host of other serious illnesses.

“Tick research really is expanding, and it needs to be because tick-borne diseases are increasing rapidly,” said Rebecca Lee Smith, a U. of I. associate professor of epidemiolo­gy.

Camping has exploded since the pandemic began. During the Fourth of July weekend, one of the biggest for outdoor activities, the same precaution­s apply — wear long pants and boots, and use repellent when walking through wooded and leafy areas in Illinois or surroundin­g states where ticks are common.

Smith and other researcher­s say the full picture of the tick problem is still unclear as illness caused by ticks is believed to be undercount­ed. Across the country, there were nearly 51,000 reported cases of Lyme disease, various types of spotted fever and other tick-borne diseases counted by local health department­s in 2019, according to government figures, though federal health officials warn that reported cases are believed to be only “a fraction of the overall number.” Lyme disease cases have tripled since the late 1990s, according to U.S. health officials.

Three species of ticks have been discovered in most counties throughout Illinois, according to U. of I. research. Black-legged ticks, also known as deer ticks, are known for spreading the debilitati­ng illness Lyme disease. American dog ticks, also known as wood ticks, are associated with a class of illnesses known as spotted fever. Untreated, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, can be deadly. A relative newcomer to Illinois, the Lone Star tick, is believed to cause an illness that

can cause an allergy to red meat.

While deer ticks are believed to have migrated from Wisconsin over many decades, the Lone Star is a southern U.S. tick that was once believed to have been unable to survive the Midwest winters. Climate change may have contribute­d to the pest’s ability to adapt, and that type of tick has been reported discovered in most Illinois counties.

U. of I. experts are hoping to catch up with their peers in states like Wisconsin, which has been studying tick trends for many years. Researcher­s also are sharing informatio­n. The app, for instance, is feeding into data collected by scientists in a collaborat­ion that includes Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

The app potentiall­y helps scientists better understand the spread of disease throughout the Midwest, but it also can help users. For instance, if someone on a family camping trip gets bit, the app allows a person to submit a photo of the tick and an expert can respond within days to identify the species and inform about potential exposure to disease, said Jean Tsao, associate professor at Michigan State University’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife.

Tsao says it’s important to know many ticks aren’t infected, but she encourages people to save the tick once it’s carefully removed from a person’s skin with tweezers (remove it at the closest point of the attachment).

“If a tick bites you, save that tick,” Tsao said. “Ticks spread different pathogens and that is so important for your physician.”

Southwest Michigan, where Chicagoans gather in large numbers, has seen the spread of ticks and a greater risk for Lyme disease over the past 20 years, Tsao said.

Northwest Indiana also is seeing a rise, reporting about 200 cases of Lyme disease a year — roughly a doubling from a decade ago, said Lee Green, a vector-borne epidemiolo­gist with the Indiana State Department of Health.

Green estimates about 40% of blacklegge­d ticks in the area may be infected and can transmit Lyme disease, which can result in flu-like symptoms.

One other cautionary note: Most of the ticks in Northwest Indiana in the summer are tiny, immature and “poppy seed small,” Green said. This presents a challenge for usual tick checks and makes the need for repellent for skin or clothing even more important.

In general, ticks are much more likely to be in well-shaded but humid areas, said Susan Paskewitz, a University of Wisconsin entomologi­st and researcher. “They don’t like the bright, hot sun,” she said.

When hiking, stay in the middle of the path if possible and be careful if you move to the side where ticks may be hiding in grass and leaves, Paskewitz said.

 ??  ??
 ?? GRAHAM HICKLING PHOTOS ?? The black-legged tick, also known as a deer tick, can transmit Lyme disease. Experts are trying to get a better handle on their prevalence in the Midwest.
GRAHAM HICKLING PHOTOS The black-legged tick, also known as a deer tick, can transmit Lyme disease. Experts are trying to get a better handle on their prevalence in the Midwest.
 ?? UI NEWS BUREAU: FRED ZWICKY ?? The University of Illinois’ Rebecca Lee Smith is trying to get a better handle on tick population­s and the threat to public health.
UI NEWS BUREAU: FRED ZWICKY The University of Illinois’ Rebecca Lee Smith is trying to get a better handle on tick population­s and the threat to public health.
 ??  ?? ABOVE: The Lone Star tick is believed to transmit an illness that results in an allergy to red meat, according to researcher­s.
ABOVE: The Lone Star tick is believed to transmit an illness that results in an allergy to red meat, according to researcher­s.
 ??  ?? LEFT: The American dog tick is known to transmit a class of diseases known as spotted fever.
LEFT: The American dog tick is known to transmit a class of diseases known as spotted fever.

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