Chicago Sun-Times



“Simple Saturday” columns focus on improving basic technique and logical thinking.

When Brigidda, the goddess of bridge, gives you a long, solid trump suit, she may be tempting you to draw trumps. Hopefully, you can resist anything, including temptation.

In today’s deal, South’s jump to three hearts suggested a good sixcard suit and about 16 points. North had enough to raise. When West led the jack of clubs, South won with the king — and drew trumps. He next led a spade.

Dummy’s king won, but South had no way back to his hand for another spade lead. When he led a diamond to his king, West took the ace and led another club, and the defense got a club, two diamonds and the ace of spades.

South must lead a spade at Trick Two. When the king wins, he draws trumps and leads another spade. West takes the ace and leads another club, but South wins in dummy and discards his club loser on the high spade. He makes his game even when West has the ace of diamonds.

Daily question

You hold: ♠ KQ43 ♥ 32 ♦ 7652 ♣ A 7 6. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade and he bids two clubs. What do you say?

Answer: Though it may seem counterint­uitive, your correct action is a return to two hearts. Partner surely has five or more hearts but may have only four clubs. If he passes, he should do better at a 5-2 trump fit, and if he has extra strength, he will have a chance to bid again. Your hand is not quite strong enough to bid 2NT.

South dealer N-S vulnerable

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