Chicago Sun-Times

Inconvenie­nce is a small price to pay to save our planet


The Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change report released last week, demonstrat­ing how climate change and global warming will reach a point of no return if we don’t act immediatel­y, should make every human being on the planet stand up and demand action.

That action must be to stop burning fossil fuels altogether, and much sooner than we’d planned. It demands that we legislate carbon fees and dividends, or similar measures, to drasticall­y reduce carbon emissions. That action must also include developing carbon capture, preserving forests, changing how we obtain our food, distributi­ng free birth control worldwide and mitigating the effects of global warming that we’re already too late to stop altogether.

This is not going to be inconvenie­nt. It might involve gas rationing, paying for green infrastruc­ture, limiting water use, paying more for food that isn’t local.

Yet I and many of my fellow citizens are ready and willing to be inconvenie­nced to save our planet. A small amount of discomfort now might mean that my children and grandchild­ren aren’t baking in heat that the power grid can’t mitigate or wondering why there are no longer any songbirds — or trees, for that matter.

Are our politician­s willing to pass legislatio­n that might be unpopular with those constituen­ts who still don’t understand the precipice we’re on? Are we citizens willing to cut back our meat intake, adhere to limits on mileage in gas-burning cars and take fewer showers? I am. Many are. We are desperatel­y trying to save our only home. I will vote only for those candidates who understand that climate change is a global emergency and make it their top priority.

Individual rights stop at the border of others’ rights. If global warming is allowed to go on, unchecked by strict regulation, all humans will be affected in a catastroph­ic way.

The house is on fire, yet we’re still sitting in the living room talking about what we should do.

Francesca Kelly, Highland Park

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