Chicago Sun-Times

Democrats, you have one job

- MONA CHAREN @monacharen­EPPC

Barring some act of God, the Democratic Party is going to get crushed in the midterms. The president’s party usually loses House seats in off-year elections. Since 1946, the average loss has been 25 seats — which is scary enough for a Democratic Party that currently holds a 221-213 seat margin — but when the president has approval ratings below 50%, the typical loss has been 37 seats.

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is averaging 41.2% now. Some of the generic ballot polling — Which party would you like to see in control? — is looking dire for the Democrats.

The director of ABC News polling, Gary Langer, noted that among registered voters, 51% say they favor Republican control, while only 41% prefer the Democrats. That’s the largest advantage for Republican­s since 1981.

Thomas Edsall tallies more signs of discontent, such as Public Opinion Strategies polling showing that on matters of great concern to voters, Republican­s are seen as more capable. On controllin­g inflation, 45% of voters trust Republican­s, compared with 21% for the Democrats. The edge for Republican­s on the economy is 45/27, and on handling crime, Republican­s are preferred 43/21. Edsall concludes “Democrats shouldn’t panic. They should go into shock.”

As a matter of justice, the Republican Party is the one that deserves a rebuke even more than the Democrats.

Consider the House Republican caucus is circling the wagons around U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar. You may remember him as the guy who pals around with Holocaust-denier white nationalis­t Nick Fuentes, or as the member who was the first to suggest that the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on was the work of antifa and who later said those charged in the attack were political prisoners. (He cannot be accused of consistenc­y.)

Gosar is in the news again for posting a video on social media depicting a cartoon version of himself killing U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a sword to the back of the head and then flying through the air with two swords to attack a figure with Biden’s face superimpos­ed on it.

Gosar is emblematic of our debauched time. Far from apologizin­g, Gosar reveled in his transgress­ion. “I am entitled to speak to the people and to do so in a manner that is engaging.”

Did House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy issue a stern condemnati­on of Gosar? Did he move to strip him of committee assignment­s? No. McCarthy is as strong as dishwater on matters of ethics and decency. Here is his brave stand on Gosar: “He took the video down, and he made a statement that he doesn’t support violence to anybody.” Inspiratio­nal.

Republican ire is reserved for those who commit truly heinous acts — like voting for the infrastruc­ture bill. McCarthy has stood silent as the 13 House Republican­s who (along with 19 Republican­s in the Senate) voted aye have been deluged with abuse and death threats.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took the helpful step of posting their office phone numbers on social media and calling them “traitors.” Former President Donald Trump denounced them as RINOs. McCarthy was nowhere to be found.

That’s the guy who’s in line to be speaker if the polling holds up and Republican­s take the House.

Voters don’t choose members of Congress based upon a moral calculus of who best represents American ideals and values. They vote to express satisfacti­on or dissatisfa­ction about the way things are going.

With inflation at a 30-year high, the virus still not defeated, Afghanista­n abandoned in shambolic fashion, the border in chaos, the murder rate high, Democrats insisting that concern over teaching critical race theory is a “racist dog whistle” and Biden unable to exert authority over his own disputatio­us party in Congress, voters are souring on Democrats.

It’s probably too late to reverse the damage Afghanista­n has done to the president’s standing, but there is still time to course correct on other issues. At the very least, Democrats can begin to convey they hear voters’ concerns, rather than rigidly pounding away at their Build Back Better plan as if it would solve inflation, the border, crime and the economy.

Politics requires a degree of flexibilit­y. If Biden were able to wrangle a slimmed-down version of his social spending bill out of the Democratic caucus, it would cast him in a new light. Instead of seeming to be controlled by the progressiv­es, he would stand tall as the party’s leader, and the party as a whole would seem more moderate, which is what the voters are asking for.

And frankly, if Democrats were as alarmed by Trump and the current state of the Republican Party as they claim, they would willingly, cheerfully, lovingly give this victory to Biden for the sake of their party and their country.

A bonus would be that Democrats could then devote their full energies to selling what they had achieved rather than squabbling, while Biden could turn his attention to cutting tariffs (which would help curb inflation), getting the border under control, ramping up COVID-19 testing and therapeuti­cs, and convening governors and mayors to address violence.

Democrats really have just one job — to govern in such a fashion that the Republican Party is kept from power. As of this moment, they are failing.

 ?? NIC ANTAYA/GETTY IMAGES ?? President Joe Biden speaks at the General Motors Factory ZERO electric vehicle assembly plant on Wednesday in Detroit. Biden was in town to tout benefits of the infrastruc­ture bill he signed Monday that allocates money for electric vehicle charging stations around the country.
NIC ANTAYA/GETTY IMAGES President Joe Biden speaks at the General Motors Factory ZERO electric vehicle assembly plant on Wednesday in Detroit. Biden was in town to tout benefits of the infrastruc­ture bill he signed Monday that allocates money for electric vehicle charging stations around the country.
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