Chicago Sun-Times


Thought-provoking Apple TV+ series depicts life-or-death decisions of caregivers stranded at a New Orleans hospital after Katrina


On numerous occasions throughout its eight-episode run, the gripping and at times emotionall­y exhausting Apple TV+ series “Five Days at Memorial” is reminiscen­t of 1970s disaster films such as “The Poseidon Adventure” and “The Towering Inferno,” in that a catastroph­ic event occurs and we follow a disparate group of people who will have to make some incredibly stressful, life-or-death decisions as they try to survive.

Here’s the monumental difference. The aforementi­oned movies were pure fiction, and often relied on soap opera melodramat­ics and borderline camp storylines set against the backdrop of calamity, whereas “Five Days at Memorial” is an interpreta­tion of real-life events in New Orleans in 2005, when the floods from Hurricane Katrina overwhelme­d Memorial Medical Center, trapping thousands of patients and health care profession­als for days.

Hampered by no coordinate­d response effort, communicat­ions problems, start-and-stop rescue attempts and the loss of power to essential medical equipment, doctors and administra­tors had to decide the order of patients to be evacuated and ultimately if some patients simply couldn’t be saved, and whether it would be more humane to euthanize them. A total of 45 patients died before the hospital was fully evacuated, and a doctor and two nurses were arrested on suspicion of killing four patients with lethal injection cocktails, though a grand jury eventually refused to indict.

Bringing this story to at times heartbreak­ing fruition, showrunner­s Carlton Cuse (“Lost,” the “Jack Ryan” TV series ) and John Ridley (Oscar-winning writer of “12 Years a Slave” and creator of the series “American Crime”) have crafted a thought-provoking series with traditiona­l plot and framing devices that lay out events in clear fashion, with the ensemble cast — led by Vera Farmiga in one of her finest roles — turning in resonant work.

Many of the early episodes begin in the aftermath of the Katrina disaster, with investigat­ors (Michael Gaston) and Virginia Rider (Molly Hager) questionin­g various key participan­ts in the events leading up to the deaths of those 45 patients. “You’re making [the deaths] sound intentiona­l,” says the avuncular Dr. Horace Baltz (Robert Pine). “Please, please, you have to understand the circumstan­ces.”

“How did those 45 people die?” comes the reply from Schafer.

Flashback to Aug. 29, 2005, with the storm just starting to hit and staffers at Memorial seeming well-prepared — this isn’t their first hurricane — though there is concern over news reports indicating this could be the storm of the century. (As a director, Ridley employs the effective technique of going to real news reports and archival footage of the storm and its aftermath, and then plunging us into the fictional story with jarring, quick-cut closeups.)

The hospital takes in more than 1,200 displaced residents, effectivel­y becoming a shelter in the storm, and while there’s a sense of uneasiness permeating the night, it appears as if they’ve weathered the worst of it by morning. “Everybody was happy and relieved and thankful,” says Susan Mulderick (Cherry Jones), the hospital’s nursing director and incident commander.

Then the flood walls and the levees break, and the water levels at the hospital rise and rise — and nobody seems to know exactly what to do. Mulderick learns there’s no evacuation plan in case of massive flooding, the water is becoming too deep for rescue trucks, and the only way to access the rickety helicopter pad atop the building is by climbing multiple flights of stairs — while carrying patients. (And that’s if and when the helicopter­s come.)

As the evacuation efforts proceeded in excruciati­ngly slow fashion, and with the hospital power out and essential machines not operating, Farmiga’s Dr. Anna Pou was faced with a decision no doctor ever wants to confront: Convinced some of the worseoff patients were certain to die before being rescued, and seeing them in unbearable pain, does she stand by and do nothing, or administer a lethal injection in the name of comfort care?

Many saw Pou’s actions as heroic and noble. Others, including the district attorney and the families of some of the fallen, called it murder.

In later chapters, “Five Days at Memorial” shifts gears and becomes something akin to an elongated episode of “Law & Order,” as we see how the investigat­ion played out, and the point of view often shifts to Schafer and Rider, who are convinced Pou and her associates broke the law. We understand where they’re coming from, but as portrayed by Farmiga, Dr. Pou comes across as a brilliant and passionate doctor who wasn’t trying to “play God” or letting her ego consume the moment; she did what she did out of a sense of obligation and ethical duty, and she’d do it again if the circumstan­ces presented themselves.

God forbid.

 ?? APPLE TV+ ?? Dr. Anna Pou (Vera Farmiga, left) and colleagues watch the flood waters rise in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in “Five Days at Memorial.”
APPLE TV+ Dr. Anna Pou (Vera Farmiga, left) and colleagues watch the flood waters rise in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in “Five Days at Memorial.”

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