Chicago Sun-Times


‘Encounters’ docs on Netflix offer bits of interestin­g info on four alleged UFO sightings but nothing close to proof


Consider the following observatio­ns and assertions from various UFO believers in the Netflix four-part documentar­y series “Encounters.”

◆ “Do I believe there’s life on other planets? Yes. But I don’t think these are people from another planet. I still think [they’re] … angels.”

◆ “Nothing I am saying is anything new. It’s just a matter of, are you gonna believe it or not?”

◆ “I am an alien. I have been to many stars. Currently the Earth is going through a great ascension, and so I came here to satisfy my curiosity.”

Something tells me if you’re a UFO skeptic, these are not the types of comments that are going to sway you to the other side.

Even though this sincere and intermitte­ntly interestin­g docuseries bears the imprint of Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television (teaming with Boardwalk Pictures and Vice Studios), there are times when Spielberg’s alien-visitation classics “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “E.T.” feel at least as plausible as some of the claims made by the eyewitness­es and true believers showcased in the series.

With director Yon Motskin (“Generation Hustle”) delivering solid work that revisits four well-known stories of alleged UFO sightings, “Encounters” plays like a respectful video Wikipedia recap with a sprinkling of new revelation­s. While I don’t discount the possibilit­y that beings from other worlds have dropped by, I remain deeply skeptical, with the same questions many Earthlings have been asking since the first recorded alleged sightings of UFOs aka UAPs (Unidentifi­ed Aerial Phenomena):

◆ Why do UFOs almost never drop in on major metropolit­an areas, instead choosing to contact a few folks in remote and rural locales?

◆ Why is the video and film footage always so grainy and inconclusi­ve?

◆ Why is it always a “flying saucer” or a “cigar shaped ship,” and why does almost every descriptio­n of the aliens sound the same, e.g., long limbs and oversized heads and oversized eyes?

◆ Why don’t the aliens stage a big press conference to explain exactly why they’re here and what they’re hoping to accomplish?

◆ Aliens? Really?

In the opening episode, “Messengers,” we’re told that in January 2008, “over 300 people reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky over Central Texas.” Pilot and businessma­n Steve Allen of Stephenvil­le, Texas, recalls seeing high-intensity lights moving at an incredibly high velocity and says, “It was almost like a religious experience, like I was at one with whatever it was.” One believer even managed to capture the possible UFO on his video camera, but “something was interferin­g with the quality … whoever was responsibl­e for it, did not want clear footage of it.”

Isn’t that always the way? Episode 2, “Believers,” revisits a 1994 event in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, in which some 60 schoolchil­dren claimed to have been visited by a large, shiny, silver disc from which aliens emerged. According to some of the children in interviews conducted at the time and in present day, the aliens telepathic­ally communicat­ed messages stating that the environmen­t should be a top priority and humans needed to take better care of the planet.

One former student says, “I made up the whole thing,” and suggests the other kids got caught up in some kind of mass hysteria, convincing themselves they saw aliens — but the former students interviewe­d for the documentar­y remain convinced their experience­s were legitimate.

The “Broad Haven Triangle” episode also revisits a wave of sightings that began with children. In February of 1977, children from the Broad Haven Primary School in Wales reported seeing a flying saucer — claims that were repeated later in the year in two other nearby locales. The skeptical headmaster separated the students and had them draw and describe the UFO, and their renderings were quite similar. Then again, as is pointed out in the doc, their drawings also resembled the typical flying saucer seen in movies such as “Forbidden Planet.”

Finally, in “Lights Over Fukushima,” we’re steered further away from somewhat reasonable debate and into the realm of spirituali­ty and psychologi­cal study. We start with story of the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown of 2011, with hundreds reporting seeing mysterious lights in the sky, in the aftermath, and we hear the idea that advanced E.T.s are living and operating from deep in our oceans. We also get that aforementi­oned claim by one Miho Ninagawa, who matter-of-factly states she’s an alien. There’s no challengin­g of this claim, nor does she provide a shred of evidence to back this up. We just hear this person spouting this madness, and we wish her well.

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 ?? NETFLIX ?? An alleged flying saucer and alien sighting in Wales is rendered in a child’s drawing seen in “Encounters.”
NETFLIX An alleged flying saucer and alien sighting in Wales is rendered in a child’s drawing seen in “Encounters.”

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