Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Must-have grammar skills


1. Use possessive­s correctly

This is one of the most frequent grammatica­l errors. Always take a minute to make sure you’re using the they’re and you’re contractio­ns for they are and you are. Their and your are possessive pronouns. These mistakes are often some of the easiest to spot for a reader, and they are so common from people of all background­s and education levels. If this is an issue that makes you nervous, one way to avoid this is to avoid confusion by not using contractio­ns. It’s totally fine to spell out you are. If you’re making a contractio­n, you should always have an apostrophe. Possessive pronouns never have an apostrophe.

2. Don’t speak in the third person

Sometimes we (royal we) like to be extra formal in resumes or job interviews, because we want to present ourselves as highly dignified profession­als. Resist that urge. Don’t go too informal (keep it profession­al, always), but it is absolutely okay to say “I” or “me,” and make it personal. You’re presenting yourself. You don’t need to hide behind the third person just to be fancy.

3. Don’t use jargon or tons of abbreviati­ons

Jargon is extremely popular on resumes, because you want the reader to know that you understand the ins and outs of an industry. You talk the talk, so that must mean you’re an insider, right? Not really. Instead, you run the risk of turning off readers if they don’t quite get the same terminolog­y, or if that jargon is hyperspeci­fic to, say, your current job. It’s always better to keep things generic. And if you do use abbreviati­ons to save space, make sure you spell it out on the first use in your resume, cover letter, email, etc. Simpler is better. You never know who’s reading.

4. Don’t use unnecessar­y capitals

Like jargon or being overly formal, extra capitals can be a crutch when we want people to Know What We’re Talking About. You may think you’re providing emphasis that draws the reader’s eye and makes your writing easier to read, but it really just complicate­s things unnecessar­ily. Only legitimate proper nouns (names) should have capitals.

5. Proofread everything three times

I can’t emphasize this enough. All of us are prone to little mistakes when we write. This is especially true when you’ve written, rewritten, and edited a resume or cover letter so many times that you stop seeing what’s in it because you know it so well. That’s inevitably where the little mistakes creep in. If at all possible, get a trusted reader to review something official before you turn it in. Having an extra pair of eyes can help you spot blatant spelling or grammar errors, and can also help ensure that you’re making sense to the reader. Do it. Then do it again.

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