Chicago Tribune (Sunday)



Why does no interviewe­r simply burst into giggles when President Donald Trump unveils his latest absurd fib? And yet there comes a point at which laughter begins to falter, under the simple, steady weight of events.

As I’ve noted before, Trump’s record as a force of destructio­n is profound, whether it be the sabotage of Obamacare, the devastatio­n of democratic norms or the rattling of NATO. But as the months tick by, there’s a decent case that Trump’s proactive accomplish­ments are beginning to add up as well: a huge tax cut, two Supreme Court justices, wholesale deregulati­on, renegotiat­ion of NAFTA, isolation of Iran and a broader reboot of bilateral nationalis­m . ... But I’m not talking merely about policy — he has also shifted the entire polity more decisively toward the authoritar­ian style of government. In this respect, yes, the Trump administra­tion has indeed accomplish­ed much more than many of us want to believe.

Andrew Sullivan, New York Magazine

It’s time for Hillary and Bill Clinton to get off the stage and quit seeking the public adoration they’re clearly never going to get to the massive degree they crave it. Be content, like so many other party elders who turned out not to be winners, in working behind the scenes to help to deliver wins for other, better, up-and-coming, appealing voices . ... Zombie movies for Halloween are fun. But whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican or neither, there’s only so much zombie politics you can take. That’s what the Clintons essentiall­y offer now — a brain-devouring, egocentric version of Democrat-ism lurching and festering onward, seemingly endlessly.

Liz Mair, The Daily Beast

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