Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

A list in honor of columnist

- — Catherine Sanders, Glenview

Columnist Mary Schmich occasional­ly writes lists about people, places and things that she wants to share with her readers. I compiled a list of things I miss about her writing when her column doesn’t appear in the paper:

1. Finding her column in the main section. It’s like waking up to see a good friend.

2. Her use of President Donald Trump’s own words to create one-of-a-kind rhymes to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

3. Her recommenda­tions from flowers to wine to socks.

4. Her ability to expound on new vocabulary as it is developed from current events (“coronacloc­k”).

5. Helping us see things differentl­y — like tree bark.

6. Helping us see people differentl­y — like our neighbors.

7. Reminding us that people never (truly) die. Which reminds us to turn to them for advice.

8. Poems and excerpts that awaken one’s philosophi­cal sense.

9. Her inspiratio­n to me and, I believe, many others to read and be brave to write every day!

We are fortunate that Mary shares her gift with us.

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