Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Father’s Day reminds me of who taught me about fatherhood

- Clarence Page Clarence Page, a member of the Tribune Editorial Board, blogs at www.chicagotri­ cpage@chicagotri­ Twitter @cptime

Father’s Day has taken on special significan­ce this year.

A national conversati­on on race has boiled up on screens, on paper and in the streets since George Floyd’s death May 25 beneath the knee of a Minneapoli­s police officer.

So has a resurgence in the 55-yearold debate about the troubled status of the African American family.

I can see it in my email inbox. Just as book sellers report a surge in demand for books about race and racism, so have I seen an uptick in emails, either to ask about what black folks think or to tell me what black folks should be thinking.

For example, a Wisconsin reader of my column for “a few months,” complained that “never once have I seen you address an obvious core issue with the black community: non-nuclear families. An unwillingn­ess of black males to accept the role of head-ofhousehol­d and the willingnes­s of black females to let them get away with it.”

He goes on to cite Daniel Patrick Moynihan as having “hit the nail on the head” in his landmark 1965 report,

“The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” Popularly known as “The Moynihan Report,” it was “as true today as it was when written,” my reader said.

First, let me say welcome to all new readers. Second, I have written quite a bit about the debate that Moynihan, a distinguis­hed sociologis­t, diplomat and Democratic senator from New York, touched off. Before he died in 2003, I also had the edifying pleasure of interviewi­ng him a couple of times about the decline in numerous families in the industrial world, not just black folks.

What is overlooked too often in citations of Moynihan’s report is how much people have focused on the “Negro problem” more than Moynihan’s suggested solutions.

“The evidence — not final, but powerfully persuasive — is that the Negro family in the urban ghettos is crumbling,” Moynihan wrote in his introducti­on to the report, which he conducted for the Department of Labor and President Lyndon Johnson. “A middle class group has managed to save itself, but for vast numbers of the unskilled, poorly educated city working class the fabric of convention­al social relationsh­ips has all but disintegra­ted.”

But as much as Moynihan shaped decades of debate about race, poverty and family life, it led to more blame shifting than to the constructi­ve action that Moynihan suggests.

Instead of looking only at race for answers to complicate­d issues like black family life, we need to look at issues of economic class and a drying up of opportunit­ies that in the past helped people with no more than a high school diploma to achieve upward mobility, also known as the “American Dream.”

In 1965, Moynihan and others were understand­ably alarmed that 24% of black infants and 3.1% of white infants were born to single moms. Unfortunat­ely, by 1990, the rate rose to 64% for black infants and 18% for whites — and continued to climb.

But by 2012, libertaria­n sociologis­t Charles Murray’s study of white American families found that the out-of-wedlock birthrate for white Americans was climbing higher than the rate for blacks that alarmed Moynihan in the mid-1960s.

Why? I tend to favor the explanatio­n offered by William Julius Wilson in his aptly titled “When Work Disappears” in 1996 and “The Truly Disadvanta­ged” in 1987. He attributes the increase in out-of-wedlock births to a decline in the marriageab­ility of black men due to a shortage of jobs for less educated men.

Since I was entering college when Moynihan’s report came out, Wilson’s findings hit home with me. I feel blessed to have had two hardworkin­g, churchgoin­g parents at home — plus affordable state university tuition and well-paying summer jobs at the local steel mill. We might be poor, Dad used to say, “but we’re rich in spirit.”

But the erosion of good-paying factory jobs and affordable education opportunit­ies has killed the spirit in many families of all colors. That developmen­t hit home for me when I read the bestsellin­g Trump-era memoir “Hillbilly Elegy” by J.D. Vance. He also grew up in Middletown, Ohio, but almost three decades behind me and, as his recounting of family dysfunctio­n details, faced a lot more family challenges than I did.

I later told Vance that his book enlightene­d me by showing how white families had been left struggling as much as black families by unemployme­nt, an opioid abuse explosion and other structural changes in my hometown’s economy.

Fortunatel­y for Vance, his grandparen­ts stepped in to help put him on the right path, just when he needed it.

On this Father’s Day, I still don’t know all the answers to the challenges of fatherhood, but I’m glad I had a great dad.

Instead of looking only at race for answers to complicate­d issues like black family life, we need to look at issues of economic class and a drying up of opportunit­ies that in the past helped people with no more than a high school diploma to achieve upward mobility, also known as the “American Dream.”

 ?? ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? Black men and boys march in silence from St. Sabina Church to 79th Street and Racine Avenue in Chicago on June 4 during a protest.
ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Black men and boys march in silence from St. Sabina Church to 79th Street and Racine Avenue in Chicago on June 4 during a protest.
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