Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

States race to pass police reforms after Floyd death

- By Alan Suderman

RICHMOND, Va. — The death of George Floyd and widespread protests over racial injustice have prompted several states to move at a lightning pace to pass significan­t policing reform proposals that in some cases have languished for years.

The urgency is bipartisan, as both Democratic and Republican majorities in various legislatur­es have moved quickly to pass bills banning chokeholds, making it easier to hold officers legally accountabl­e for their actions and other reforms.

GOP-controlled Iowa took about a week to pass a series of policing bills in mid-June. A week later, the Colorado Legislatur­e, where Democrats hold the majority, passed a sweeping police accountabi­lity bill that sped through the legislativ­e process with bipartisan support.

Minnesota passed a broad slate of police accountabi­lity measures that include a ban on neck restraints like the one used on Floyd before his death May 25 in Minneapoli­s. The state is one of only two in the country where partisan control of the legislatur­e is split.

“This kind of rapid response from legislator­s, on this type of issue particular­ly, is not something I’ve ever seen previously,” said Amber Widgery, a program principal on criminal justice issues at the National Conference of State Legislatur­es.

Since Floyd’s death, there have been about 450 pieces of policing reform proposals introduced in 31 states, according to the NCSL. Many states had finished their normal legislativ­e session at the time of Floyd’s death and are planning to address police accountabi­lity next year. But some states are having special sessions this year and others moved quickly to pass bills during the normal legislativ­e calendar.

“The national protests that followed George Floyd’s killing have shown that the nation is demanding stronger police accountabi­lity,” said California state Sen. Steven Bradford.

California’s legislatur­e is in the final month of a session repeatedly interrupte­d by the pandemic and lawmakers are pushing to enact nearly a dozen police-related laws. One would require law enforcemen­t officers to immediatel­y intercede and report what they believe to be the use of excessive force. Another would allow criminal suspects to apply for victims’ compensati­on if they were injured by police use of excessive force.

Another state expected to take action soon is Virginia, where a new Democratic majority disappoint­ed some criminal justice reform advocates earlier this year with a go-slow approach. Now lawmakers are set to debate a wide range of policing and other reforms in a special session starting later this month. One proposal that has drawn pushback would downgrade the charge of assault on a police officer from a felony to a misdemeano­r in cases where the officer is not injured.

Law enforcemen­t’s reaction to the state-level push has been mixed, with police groups supporting some measures and opposing others. In Colorado, a new law that eliminated the qualified immunity defense that generally protects government workers from lawsuits was strongly opposed by some police. Officials say a handful of veteran officers in the state have since resigned, saying the financial risk isn’t worth it.

The protests have not moved every state toward putting new limits on police powers. If anything, protests in Missouri have only fueled backlash and pro-police sentiment, primarily among Republican elected officials.

With the state legislatur­e in a special session, Republican Gov. Mike Parson, a former sheriff who is campaignin­g to keep his seat in November, directed lawmakers to focus on an uptick in violence in the state’s largest cities. He dismissed bipartisan calls from Black legislator­s and activists for the legislatur­e to address police accountabi­lity issues, saying those issues need to be debated next year.

 ?? SCOTT HEINS/GETTY ?? Protesters march through Manhattan with family members of victims of police brutality July 31 in New York City.
SCOTT HEINS/GETTY Protesters march through Manhattan with family members of victims of police brutality July 31 in New York City.

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