Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Stakes run especially high amid year of lows

Election results could test America’s solidarity as well as its leadership

- By Julie Pace

WASHINGTON — After a year of deep disruption, America is poised for a presidenti­al election that renders a verdict on the nation’s role in the world and the direction of its economy, on its willingnes­s to contain an escalating pandemic and its ability to confront systemic racial inequity.

But the two men on the ballot, President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, offer more than just differing solutions for the country’s most pressing problems. The choice before voters is a referendum on the role of the presidency itself and a test of the sturdiness of democracy, with the president challengin­g the legitimacy of the outcome even before Election Day and law enforcemen­t agencies braced for the possibilit­y of civil unrest.

“There’s more than just your standard ideologica­l difference between the two candidates. There’s a fundamenta­lly different view ofwhat the presidency is and what leadership means for the nation,” said Jeffrey Engel, director of the Center for Presidenti­al History at Southern Methodist University.

Voters appear to recognize the moment: More than 86 million people have already cast ballots, shattering records for early voting.

The election is being held at a moment of bitter partisansh­ip in America, and whichever candidate wins the White House will confront the challenge of governing through deep divisions. If anything, the campaign has clarified how stratified the U.S. has become, with Trump’s base of support coming from overwhelmi­ngly white voters at lower income and education levels. More highly educated Americans, particular­ly women, and voters of color, most notably African Americans, have all but abandoned the Republican Party during Trump’s four years in office.

Dan Giesen, 56, of Minneapoli­s, said he was a conservati­ve voter before Trump became the Republican nominee four years ago, leading him to vote for third-party candidate Evan McMullin. Recently, Giesen was waiting in line to cast his vote early for Biden.

“I think we can deal with partisan difference­s when our institutio­ns and our norms are in place, but I think that those are being seriously eroded under Donald Trump,” he said.

Biden heads into Tuesday’s election with an edge in public polling, including a comfortabl­e national lead and a narrower advantage in some of the battlegrou­nd states that will decide the contest. He has multiple paths to victory and has devoted significan­t resources to the Upper Midwest states where Trump surprised Democrats four years ago, but also to states such as Arizona and Georgia that for years have been reliable Republican territory.

Though Democrats are wary of overconfid­ence, given Trump’s upset in 2016, party leaders see significan­t difference­s in this year’s election. Biden is viewed more favorably by voters than Hillary Clinton was four years ago.

“In the last 10 days of 2016, the story was, ‘What’s the FBI going to do about the newly reopened Hillary Clinton email investigat­ion?’ ” said Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, who was Clinton’s running mate in 2016. Now, Kaine said, “they’re talking about COVID and how it’s affecting communitie­s.”

The pandemic indeed turned Trump’s plans for this election year inside out.

The president opened 2020 in strong position, with a robust economic record and the GOP unified behind him after he survived an impeachmen­t trial centered on his request for Ukraine’s help digging up dirt on Biden.

Since then, the coronaviru­s has gripped the nation, causing more than 230,000 deaths and infecting over 9.1 million Americans; both are the highest confirmed counts in the world, according to Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. economy cratered, and though it has recovered somewhat, the unemployme­nt rate rests at 7.9% and businesses across the country are worried about surviving the winter, given that infection rates are on the rise.

Trump himself contracted the virus in October and was briefly hospitaliz­ed. Since then, he’s been barnstormi­ng the country, holding large rallies with crowds that are not socially distanced and only sporadical­ly wearing masks. His message to Americans has been that the U.S. is “rounding the corner” on the virus, despite the fact that cases are on the rise in most states and the U.S. is setting daily records for confirmed cases.

Sixty-five percent of Americans said the president has not taking the pandemic seriously enough, according to a mid-October poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Despite the pandemic’s toll on his political fortunes, Trump’s campaign is banking on strategy similar to 2016. Advisers contend that Trump will draw out new voters who haven’t participat­ed in politics previously or in some time. His campaign is also banking on some voters ultimately looking beyond their personal qualms with the president to back his policies.

That was the case for Tom Redford, 79, who cast his ballot for Trump on Thursday outside Richmond, Virginia. Redford said he’s the only Trump supporter in his family and doesn’t much like the president personally.

“But everything he’s done is great — everything, including what he’s done on the coronaviru­s,” Redford said.

 ?? NATI HARNIK/AP ?? An election commission member collects early ballots from a drop box Saturday in Omaha, Nebraska.
NATI HARNIK/AP An election commission member collects early ballots from a drop box Saturday in Omaha, Nebraska.

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